December 2014 • The PCB Design Magazine 67
Westdev Debuts Pulsonix
8.5 Design Software
Westdev ltd. has released its latest professional
PCB design software, Pulsonix 8.5. This release
introduces new features which aid our customer-
base in their transition of products to market and
refinements with their everyday working systems.
Sanmina's India Design
Center Earns ISO 13485
sanmina Corporation announced that its India
Design Center (IDC) has been awarded the Iso
13485:2003 and en Iso 13485:2012 certifica-
tions for medical product design and develop-
ment. achieving these certifications recognizes
the company's continuing expansion of its global
medical design and manufacturing capabilities.
Cadence Professorship
Endowed at Stanford
Cadence Design systems, Inc. has announced
the endowment of the Cadence Design systems
Professorship at stanford university in the school
of engineering and the appointment of Dr. Kunle
olukotun as the first Cadence Professor. Dr. olu-
kotun is a Professor of electrical engineering and
Computer science and is the director of the Perva-
sive Parallelism lab at stanford university.
Harley Thermal Launches
SolariaPCB Add-on to Solaria
Harley Thermal llC has released the solariaPCB
add-on to solaria, the company's powerful, low-
cost general purpose thermal simulation software
tool. solariaPCB makes the tedious task of thermal
modeling PCBs quick and easy. The eCaD interface
brings in every trace, via, component, and layer. a
component library of over 400 parts is included.
Ucamco Issues Latest
Generation of Gerber X2
one of the new format's most powerful features
is its board stack-up information capability. With
X2, the precise function of each layer file, and its
location within the stack-up, is clear and unequiv-
ocal, so stack-up data is generated automatically
together with the image files. Drill and rout files,
too, are fully automatically loaded and qualified,
right from the start, thanks to the X2 format's
wide-ranging functionality.
True MCAD and ECAD
How many spins does it take to achieve proper
electro-mechanical integration? The collaboration
between the electronic and mechanical design do-
mains are manual, reactive, inefficient, and out-
dated, but it doesn't have to be. for the latest circuit design news—
anywhere, anytime.
December 2014 • The PCB Design Magazine 67