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14 SMT Magazine • January 2015 ume. Initially, SE is seen as vital in tackling certain global prob- lems in certain applicational sec- tors. These are shown in Table 1. Primary benefits The benefits and challenges of structural electronics are com- pared in Table 2. Maturity by applicational Sector Most of the pioneering and early application of structural electronics lies in aerospace with other applications being at an earlier stage or, as yet, less sophis- ticated as shown in Figure 1. The typical time lag after adoption in aerospace and military applica- tions is given, but there are many exceptions. Objectives and Benefits The objectives and benefits of structural electronics are broader in certain applications as shown in Table 3. THE rISE Of STruCTuraL ELECTrOnICS continues Table 1: The sectors most likely to benefit from Se. (All tables and graphics courtesy of iDTechex.) Figure 1: Maturity and sophistication of applications of structural electronics by sector, showing strong adoption in yellow, inter- mediate in green and later adoption in magenta. Feature