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13th ANNUAL MEPTEC MEMS TECHNOLOGY SYMPOSIUM Enabling the Internet of Things: Foundations of MEMS Process, Design, Packaging & Test R E G I STE R O N L I N E TO DAY AT M E PTE C .O R G Wednesday, May 20, 2015 Holiday Inn San Jose Airport • San Jose, California Symposium Committee • Gene Burk, IMT • Sean Cahill, Maxim Integrated • MaryAnn Maher, SoftMEMS • Ramesh Ramadoss, Microprobe MEMS based products are key en- ablers in the Internet of Things (IoT) revolution. The availability of large numbers of reliable and cost-effec- tive MEMS sensors and actuators has driven an explosion in the num- ber of IoT applications to reach the market. The Internet of Things is pushing MEMS technology to new levels of performance and bringing forth new requirements. This event will showcase advances in core technologies that form the foundation of the creation of MEMS- based products. Experts from the field will present the latest innova - tions in MEMS fabrication processes, packaging, assembly, & test. Insight will be provided as to new technolo- gies, materials and software that will fuel the creation of new devices cou- pled with traditional MEMS technol- ogies to address new markets and new requirements for the Internet of Things. We explore how the four foundations of MEMS technologies are expanding to include such excit- ing new techniques as 3D printing, flexible electronics and novel mate- rials. We hope you will join us to learn from experts about practical, com- mercial and significant technology advances in MEMS Test, Design, Pro- cess and Packaging, each driving key MEMS enabled products. Come hear about the technologies that form the "Sensory System" at the heart of the Internet of Things – it's not just about the network! KEYNOTE SPEAKER Creating a Trillion Sensors Based Future Dr. Janusz Bryzek Chair, TSensors Summits Sensors are one of the eight exponential technologies enabling growth of goods and services faster than growth of demand for them. Exponential technologies enable Exponen- tial Organizations (ExO), which demonstrate sales growth to a billion dollars in one to three years. New Exponential organizations are expected to replace 40% of Fortune 500 companies in the coming decade, in a similar mode to Kodak replacement by Instagram in 2012. Presented will an amazing showcase of available sensor based products. ASSOCIATION SPONSORS DIAMOND SPONSOR SILVER SPONSOR SUPPORTING SPONSOR EXHIBITING COMPANIES TO DATE