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50 The PCB Magazine • May 2015 7. Rinsing: These steps remove residual process chemicals from the PWB surface after each chemical processing step. This may be achieved in either a single step or with multiple rinses. In some instances, pre-dip and/or post- dip process steps may also be required for op- timum process performance. Vendor specifica- tions for temperature, dwell time, agitation and turn-over rate should be followed. 8. Drying: Ensure the boards are complete- ly dry may be achieved by use of either in-line vertical, or off-line horizontal drying. Off-line horizontal drying should be preceded by a hori- zontal rinsing step and should be dedicated to the boards from the ENIG/ENEPIG processes. The time and temperature should be optimized to suit the type of product. The ENEPIG line is the most complex chemical process in a board shop. It requires a good understanding of how the process works and the critical parameters that must be main- tained. The ENEPIG line has little tolerance for deviations, particularly to extending the bath life of any of the process steps. Shops that have good engineering and documentation of the manufacturing process, coupled with a dedicated, experienced ENEPIG operator that is backed by a capable analytical laboratory, run defect-free ENEPIG day in and day out, to a consistent product that meets customer re - quirements. PCB George Milad is the national accounts manager of technology at Uyemura international Corporation. To reach the author, click here. FEaturE ENEPIG: THE PLATING PrOCESS continues i-Connect007 Publisher Barry Matties and industry veteran Joe Fjelstad, Ceo and founder of Verdant electronics, met recently to spend a day together enjoying the evergreen aviation & space Museum (home of the spruce Goose), located in the oregon community of McMinnville. Their con- versation ebbed and flowed between a wide variety of topics, from the electronics industry, to political shenani- gans and the "war against failure." Click here to view part 1. A Conversation (and Day) with Joe Fjelstad nEw Multi-Part interview!