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66 The PCB Magazine • May 2015 The target dimensions of the phototool features are those of a damp phototool. Typically, the dryer temperature of the processor is set lower than normal so that the film exits the proces- sor just a little damp and relatively cool [1] . The film is measured within minutes after process- ing and sent directly to the imaging area. A film processed and used this way will slowly change size over the next several hours while it is in use, but when used quickly after processing and measuring, and if the tolerances are fairly for- giving, this approach can be viable in reducing overall processing time. Digital Imaging Laser direct imaging, or other digital imag- ing processes, has been first adopted by proto- type and quick-turn shops for the obvious rea- son that they eliminate all phototool process- ing steps. The other big advantage of LDI is its ability to scale the image (i.e., change the di- mensions slightly, for best fit to image features karl's tEch talk QUICK-TUrN CIrCUIT BOArD SHOPS continues Figure 2: schematic of a laser imaging tool.