July 2015 • SMT Magazine 73
The Truth about Conflict
Minerals Reporting
Section 1502 of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street
reform and consumer protection act requires
companies to disclose annually whether conflict
minerals exist in their supply chains. The first re-
port to the SEC was due May 31, 2014. bloom-
berg reported that only 6% of companies met an
"acceptable standard of compliance."
Zentech Acquires Colonial
Assembly & Design;
launches ZenPRO
The acquisition of ca&D significantly broadens
the Zentech offering with ca&D's demonstrated
expertise in circuit design and layout, systems
level design, machining and sheet metal, and
complex cable assembly/wire harness manufac-
2015 Set for Shenzhen
this August
The chinese stock market has seen dramatic
growth in 2015, with start-ups and the Shenzhen
Composite index rising to unbelievable heights.
behind the huge growth is a commitment by the
national government to facilitating the sustained
growth of industries such as internet+ and infor-
mation technology.
Taking the Human Out of
Hand Soldering: Is it a Must?
At the recent nEpCon Show in Shanghai, i-Con-
nect007 publisher barry Matties stopped by the
WKK booth where Japan unix (represented by
WKK in China) was displaying its new robotic sol-
dering technology. in this interview, general Man-
ager Hirofumi Kono explains why this new tech-
nology makes so much sense.
In 3D Inspection, can "length
= Height" Mean No Escapes?
During the recent nEpCon China show in Shanghai,
i interviewed Kobi ventura of Aleader Europe, an is-
raeli-chinese joint venture with aleader vision Tech-
nology ltd., which focuses on Spi and Aoi inspection
equipment. all of the machines are built in a state-
of-the-art factory in guangdong, china. utilizing a
unique length-equals-height modeling approach to
inspection, Kobi states that they offer 100% escape-
free technology, and it comes with a guarantee.
Nortech Receives GE
Healthcare Supplier Award
"We appreciate the opportunity to win awards like
these because it shows our total commitment to
the customer and their goals," says Sr. vp of mar-
keting & Sales Curt Steichen. "nortech Systems is
looking forward to continuing to serve ge Health-
care and all of our customers for their electro-me-
chanical design and production needs."
July 2015 • SMT Magazine 73
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