74 The PCB Magazine • July 2015
IMPACT 2015:
An In-Depth Look
iPc understands that presenting a unified voice
for the electronics industry is essential for ad-
vancing policies that affect the industry's long-
term future and strengthens the u.s. and global
economy. That is why 22 iPc member-company
executives descended on the nation's capital for
imPacT 2015: iPc on capitol hill, iPc's annual
advocacy event.
An Interview with
Gardien Group's
Jason Fraser
gardien group ceo Jason Fraser talks to Dan
Beaulieu about some of the latest developments
at the company, some of the technology trends
driving the company's strategies, as well as pro-
vides his outlook as to where the PcB industry is
NEPCON China 2015 a
Resounding Success
in Shanghai
The three-day event was a complete success,
bringing together nearly 22,000 trade visitors and
high-quality buyers, as well as 450 leading brand
names from 22 countries and regions worldwide.
NePcoN china keeps up with market trends and
gathers resources from all stakeholders to present
a comprehensive event that covers smT, new elec-
tronics materials, soldering, dispensing, electron-
ics automation, measurement and other innova-
tive technologies and products across the world.
HDPUG Demonstrates
Benefits of Cooperative R&D
The high Density Packaging user group (hDPug)
is a member-driven, non-profit, project-oriented
industry consortium that addresses the integration
of new electronics component packaging and in-
terconnection technologies into the supply chains
of its member companies.
Recent Highlights from PCB007
74 The PCB Magazine • July 2015