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4 SMT Magazine • August 2015 This month, SMT Magazine takes on those pesky process failures—from soldering defects and device cleanliness, to challenges of mission-critical product and the link between head-in-pillow defects and warpage. The War on Soldering Defects under Area Array Packages: Head-in-Pillow and Non-Wet Open by Jason Fullerton Declaring War on Failure in Electronics by Joseph Fjelstad How Clean is Clean Enough to Achieve Reliable Electronic Hardware? by Mike Bixenman, David Lober, Mark McMeen and Jason Tynes Addressing Quality and Manufacturability Challenges of Mission-Critical Products by Amy Yin Chen Collaboration between OEM and EMS to Combat Head-on-Pillow Defects, Part 2: Warpage Acceptance Proposal by Alex Chan, et al. Case Study: Detecting Process Defects by Bob Willis Feature Summary "War on Failure" in the August Issue of The PCB Magazine by Stephen Las Marias 12 22 26 36 38 56 54 Featured Content August 2015 the war on process failure m a g a z i n e

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