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104 SMT Magazine • September 2015 level models, not just into luxury cars—and speed and flexibility in deployment of test sys- tems so as to allow customers to reuse their assets and quickly ramp up manufacturing test to meet external demand. Additionally, there is a need for standardiza- tion of manufacturing test systems and global support since the same parts can be made in multiple locations globally, and to have a con- sistent process to ensure quality and reliability. Las Marias: among the many challenges today for automotive electronics manufacturers is to build reliable electronic products with increas- ing density, complexity and sophistication, while at the same time meeting the many au- tomotive regulatory requirements and optimiz- ing their investments in the choice of equipment and their feature sets. how does Keysight tech- nologies help your customers achieve this? Tan: We bring 75 years of measurement ex- pertise from our roots as Hewlett Packard, ex- pertise and insight to automotive electronic trends, and collaboration with key market makers to help customers design and build re- liable products. The challenges facing customers as they embark on new technology areas like adaptive safety include 77–80 GHz radar development, where Keysight has deep expertise in spectrum analysis and radar simulation driven by our links to aerospace markets. In other areas, like building of high-density PCBAs in modern en - gine control units, Keysight-developed tech- nologies like bead probes, high-current load switching and boundary scan can be deployed and customized for automotive applications. Many of the automotive electronics manu- facturers operate globally and we are able to leverage our global footprint to ensure cus- tomers gets the same level of strong support in any of their manufacturing sites worldwide, and we help them optimize their cost of test by providing them with standardized solutions with long lifecycles. Las Marias: the blurring lines between consum - er and automotive electronics are increasingly putting manufacturers under pressure to shorten product lifecycles, drive innovation, and keep costs in check. how do you help automotive elec- tronics companies address this challenge? Tan: As a global test and measurement com- pany with footprints in many industries, we have product portfolios that target different needs with different price points and value propositions. We partner with automotive electronics companies during their develop- ment cycles to understand their needs and schedules, and along with our expertise lev- eraged from consumer electronics industries, we are able to recommend and help drive test solutions that help them meet their goals. Keysight has developed some of the indus- try's most versatile and powerful PXI-based modules that are specifically targeted at the au- tomotive industry. For instance, our M9216A high-voltage data acquisition module allows simultaneous measurement of eight chan- AutOmOtIve eLeCtrONICs DrIvING INNOvAtIONs IN test continues FeAture interview boon Khim Tan, general manager, Measurement Systems Division at Keysight Technologies inc.