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12 SMT Magazine • September 2015 evolves in synchronization, SMT continues to transform electronics manufacturing. To this end, SMTA has played an essential role in help- ing the industry advance and produce ever- higher performance products. As a professional organization, SMTA has demonstrated its sustained ability to embrace new technologies to meet members' changing needs and wants. The organization relishes the growth and diversity of SMTA membership and its global reach and network. Its membership spans around the world, comprising more than 40 chapters across the United States, Canada, Bra- zil, Mexico, Hong Kong, In- dia, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Israel. Today, the organiza- tion offers rich resources to the workforce, including knowledge-base, publica- tions, training, bookstore, certification, webinars, and tutorials. In Roman mythology, Janus had two faces that looked at in opposite direc- tions—one toward the past and the other into the fu- ture. I want to reflect on what are deemed the most important elements to the successful history of our or- ganization. During the first decade, the Association was shaping up and made major strides in serving the nascent industry. Over the second decade, business models and the global economy chal- lenged the Association, and SMTA responded swiftly with continued success. In its third de- cade, SMTA has embraced crucial changes in technology and the manufacturing arena and has met the challenges head-on. The industry has enjoyed a phenomenal growth rate and has contributed to our country and the world by providing critical manufactur- ing technology that makes modern electronics possible, from personal computers in the 1980s to the Internet of Things today. SMTA has provided the much needed con- tinuing education to keep up the workforce ex- cellence. SMTA has enabled the crucial network needed for member companies and individual members globally. We are fortunate that we have always had dedicated and hard-working board members. However, behind all these good things is one steady-hand executive administrator, JoAnn Stromberg, and her operating team, which she has built and trained. For nearly three de- cades, rain or shine or snow storm, JoAnn's personabil- ity, wits, and shear warmth have glued all of the piec- es together. With JoAnn's dedication, her team, along with the presidents and the board, SMTA has been able to survive, grow and thrive. At the end of this year, JoAnn plans to retire. I know that JoAnn has a great team in place, and the new leader, Tanya Martin, will continue JoAnn's legacy in making SMTA a strong, wholesome organization. For JoAnn's extraordi- nary dedication and contri- butions to our organization and to the industry, there are no adequate words to express my heartfelt gratitude except to say that from the bottom of my heart, thank you, JoAnn, and enjoy the next chapter of your life! A celebration in recognizing JoAnn's service will be held on Tuesday evening, September 29 in Rosemont, Illinois, in conjunction with SMTA International. Please click here for details of the event. Our gratitude also goes to all SMTA staff, members, friends and the industry for their continued support and contributions. Looking into the future, as we are moving to another milestone, we are vividly energized for our future. And we have profound, substan- the organization relishes the growth and diversity of SmtA membership and its global reach and network. its membership spans around the world, comprising more than 40 chapters across the united States, Canada, Brazil, mexico, Hong Kong, india, taiwan, malaysia, and israel. " " Smt proSpeCtS & perSpeCtiveS surFACe mOuNt teCHNOLOGy AssOCIAtION—A NeW mILestONe continues

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