116 SMT Magazine • September 2015
meeting High-speed Demand
with Optical Circuits
in an interview with i-connect007's barry Matties,
felix betschon of vario-optics discusses the ad-
vancements in optical circuit boards, and explains
the core advantage of this technology and what
circuit designers must do to add optical circuits
into their design disciplines.
mechatronics Innovations
and Applications
edward neff, president of SMac Moving coil ac-
tuators, discusses with i-connect007's Stephen
las Marias some of the latest mechatronics in-
novations happening in his company, and how
these developments are being applied in differ-
ent industries including electronics assembly and
Fairlight: An Iconic Name
in Digital Audio
fairlight instruments became one of the biggest
names in the recording industry with its digital
sampling technology in 1975. forty years later, the
company is still leading with a full line of products
that their technologists design, engineer in house,
and produce with a network of eMS companies.
fairlight's emilijo Mihatov shares insights and strat
egies for succeeding by thinking differently.
pad Cratering susceptibility
testing with Acoustic
This article presents the results of pad cratering
susceptibility of laminates using the acoustic emis-
sion method under four-point bend and compares
the ae results to the pad-solder level testing results.
recent Highlights from smt007
116 SMT Magazine • September 2015