September 2015 • SMT Magazine 117
emI-caused eOs sources in
Automated equipment
electrical overstress causes damage to sensitive
components, including latent damage. a signifi-
cant source of eoS is high-frequency noise in au-
tomated manufacturing equipment. This article
analyses sources of such noise, how it affects com-
ponents and how to mitigate this problem.
Localized Contamination
Can Cause big problems
in today's electronics manufacturing environment,
assemblers continue to overlook areas of localized
contamination that are capable of causing product
failures. This article talks about a case study involv-
ing a visible white residue and dendritic growth in
a connector area, and the analysis done to deter-
mine its cause and implications.
Acceptance testing Of
Low-Ag reflow solder Alloys
The electronics industry has seen an expansion of
available low-silver pb-free alloys for wave solder-
ing, miniwave rework, bga and cSp solder balls,
and, more recently, solder pastes for mass reflow.
This article discusses test protocols that can be
used for assessing new Sn-ag-cu, Sn-ag, and Sn-
cu alloys for general use in electronics.
Flextronics is Now Flex
eMS firm flextronics has officially changed its
name to flex, with a promise to help the world
live smarter.
2Q 2015 saw six
Completed ems m&As
There were six completed mergers and acqui-
sitions (M&as) in the eMS industry during the
second quarter of the year, up from four in the
previous quarter but down from nine transactions
reported in the same period last year.
Newbury electronics
powers racing yachts
Sailors in high performance racing yachts are the
latest to benefit from advancements in electronics,
which allow them to monitor every aspect of their
vessel's performance and the prevailing conditions.
September 2015 • SMT Magazine 117 for the latest smt news and information—
anywhere, anytime.