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26 SMT Magazine • September 2015 backing up. They are also seen to replace side mirrors in the future. Lane departure warning, collision avoidance and night vision are some examples of what sensing cameras are capable of. They can also be used for passenger monitor- ing and for surround view applications. For automotive cameras, it is crucial to pre- cisely align the lens to the image sensor. IMI performs active alignment using a 6-axis align- ment setup that was developed in-house. Active alignment is used to ensure the most optimal optical lens position relative to the image sensor in order to yield the best possible focus quality across the entire image area. The use of 6-axis active alignment significantly improves the ac- curacy of the algorithms used by advanced driv- er assistance systems than single axis alignment would allow. Challenges in D&D: One of the challenges in D&D is the tedious requirement to comply with established standards for automotive devel- opment. In the planning stages, design imple- mentation only starts after the product architec- ture is fixed and the architecture has been parti- tioned into the appropriate modules. Feasibility studies must be undertaken when considering various options. A DFMEA must be conducted to assess risks and set the appropriate risk mitigat- ing actions and it has to be updated periodically. Traceability has to be incorporated in all as- pects of the design pro- cess. Each design feature must be traceable to the product specifications, which in turn are trace- able to the customer re- quirements. It is impor- tant that all customer re- quirements are covered. Validation must likewise be traceable to product specifications. Periodic design reviews have to be conducted, decisions and tradeoffs have to be docu- mented. It is very tedious to conform with require- ments of design for func- tional safety, and as such, it is one of those chal- lenges that EMS providers have to address. For this reason failure simulations have to be con- ducted down to the component level. Design Reviews: To meet these challeng- es, EMS companies continuously reviews and streamlines processes. To ensure the design quality and ensure strict adherence to estab- lished processes, IMI's D&D department, for instance, conducts periodic audits and provides continuous education programs. test and systems Development In automotive electronics, leading edge products integrate more functionalities which present new challenges in product testing and custom tester development. The test and sys- tems development (TSD) process is organically linked to the APQP applied in the development of these new products. APQP Framework: The APQP, as discussed earlier, is a method used by EMS providers for detailed planning of design and production pro- cesses to satisfy customer requirements and an- ticipate issues before they occur. It is the quality planning process in every advanced manufac- turing engineering stage that takes place before a product is manufactured and shipped to the customer. AutOmOtIve ems: GOING beyOND AssembLy continues FeAture

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