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September 2015 • SMT Magazine 9 At the moment, IMI is adding production lines for automotive cameras to cater to grow- ing demand in this segment. Amid these optimistic forecasts, challenges remain in the automotive electronics manufac- turing industry. The high level of complexity of devices and electronics being built into cars and the harsh operating conditions that these products are expected to operate in are some of the key issues that equipment suppliers and au- tomotive OEMs and EMS providers are working hard to address. This month's issue of SMT Magazine (as well as its sister publications PCB Design Magazine and The PCB Magazine) features some of the key players in the automotive electronics space, in- cluding suppliers and equipment makers, who discuss strategies for success and opportunities for growth in this industry. In his article, The "New Face" of Automotive Traceability, Michael Ford of Mentor Graphics looks at the traceability aspect in automotive electronics manufacturing, amid the different technology advances, need for further energy efficiency, and enhanced safety. Alpha's Steve Brown, meanwhile, discusses the complexity in material considerations in light of the ever- increasing array of applications in automo - tive electronics in his article, Material Consid- erations for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems Assembly. In his article, Automotive EMS: Going Be- yond Assembly, Frederick Blancas, of IMI, gives a good overview of the automotive electronics industry from the perspective of an EMS pro- vider. Sean Horn of Diamond MT, for his part, discussed the expanded use of conformal coat- ings in automotive electronics in his article, Benefits of Paralyne Conformal Coatings in Au- tomotive Applications. This issue of SMT Magazine also features in- sights from different EMS providers and equip- ment suppliers to the automotive electronics industry. I interviewed Sanmina's Bernd Enser, who talked about the impact of the latest devel- opment trends in cars today on the automotive electronics assembly space, as well as the quali- fications required of an EMS provider to get into an automaker's AVL. My interview with IMI's Tan also discussed the challenges and growth opportunities he is seeing in the automotive space. Jens Kokott of GOEPEL Electronic talked about the increasing need for continuous devel- opment of testing technologies to cater to the innovations happening at breakneck speed in the automotive electronics industry, while Key- sight Technologies' Boon Khim Tan spoke on how test and measurements companies are ad- dressing the increasing amount of electronics in cars. Saki's Nori Koike provided his perspectives from an AOI technology provider point of view, while Phil Kinner of Electrolube talked about the best practices that will help automotive electronics makers select the correct conformal coating solution for their applications. Other interesting articles in this issue in- clude Barry Matties' interview with Brad Perkins of Nordson ASYMTEK, who talked about the current demands put on dispensing equip- ment, and the benefits customers can expect by investing in a high-end dispenser and coating system. Matties also spoke to Pratish Patel, pres- ident and CEO of Electronic Interconnect, who shared the new strategies and capabilities that his company is building. We also have a technical article by Tom Hester and Dave Pinsky, who wrote about tin whisker self-mitigation in surface mount com- ponents attached with leaded solder alloys, as well as a case study on evaluating manual and automated heat sink assembly using FEA and testing, written by Michael Randy Sumalinog, Jesus Tan, and Murad Kurwa, of Flextronics. Finally, our columnist Robert Voigt contin- ues his piece on selecting a reflow oven, while Stephan Halper writes about the DoD's first pass at grey market regulation. I hope you enjoy this month's issue of SMT Magazine. Stay tuned, because there's more to come! smt editor'S note WHAt's DrIvING AutOmOtIve eLeCtrONICs? continues stephen Las marias is managing editor of SMT Magazine. He has been a technology editor for more than 12 years covering electronics, components, and industrial automation systems.

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