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September 2015 • The PCB Magazine 89 PuBlisher: BARRy MATTIES sales: ANGELA ALExANDER (408) 489-8389; marKeting services: TOBEy MARSICOVETERE (916) 266-9160; EDITORIAL: managing eDitor: LISA LuCKE (209) 304-4011; technical eDitor: PETE STARKEy +44 (0) 1455 293333; MAGAZINE PRODUCTION CREW: ProDuction manager: MIKE RADOGNA magazine layout: RON MEOGROSSI aD Design: MIKE RADOGNA, SHELLy STEIN, TOBEy MARSICOVETERE innovative technology: BRySON MATTIES cover image: DIGITAL COCKPIT COMPuTER COuRTESy OF NVIDIA the PcB magazine® is published by Br Publishing, inc., Po Box 50, seaside, or 97138 ©2015 Br Publishing, inc. does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any person for loss or dam- age caused by errors or omissions in the material contained within this publication, regardless of whether such errors or omissions are caused accidentally, from negligence or any other cause. September 2015, Volume 5, Number 9 • The PCB Magazine© is published monthly, by BR Publishing, Inc. a d V e r t i s e r i N d e x Coming Soon to The PCB Magazine: PCB007 Presents October: Cycle Time Reduction November: The Data Factor(y) and the Industrial Internet atg luther & maelzer gmbh..... 49 Burkle north america................ 47 camtek..................................... 75 Dibble leaders.................... 13, 69 Dis............................................ 45 electra Polymers........................ 43 esi............................................ 53 fastechnologies....................... 25 fein-line associates.................... 55 first eie..................................... 41 gardien..................................... 33 i-connect007...................... 79, 90 insulectro.................................. 39 iPc...................................... 57, 85 isola............................................ 7 macDermid............................... 67 matrix usa............................... 31 mentor...................................... 29 meptec..................................... 81 mortech.................................... 11 mutracx.................................... 77 nano systems........................... 61 omg electronic chemicals........ 17 os-tech..................................... 71 Panasonic.................................. 37 Paramount laminates............... 51 Plasma etch................................. 9 Prototron.................................. 73 rogers......................................... 5 taiyo america............................ 59 the PcB list.......................... 2, 65 the right approach consulting... 3 ucamco.................................... 35 ventec....................................... 21