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100 The PCB Magazine • October 2015 that if they have a crisis in their life they can come to their supervisor and expect compas- sion and help within the guidelines of the company rules. They need to know that hon- est mistakes are treated as such and no one is crucified for making one, because all humans make them and ideally, learn from them. The benefit of this is employees who are willing to 'fess up and not hide a problem that would be harder to fix if discovered in a later stage of manufacturing. Employees need to be told often that they are doing a good job and not just by their immediate supervisor. These practices tell the employees that they are val - ued and a part of the factory family—not just mere employees. This will bring loyalty and respect for the leadership because leadership respects them. PLANT CULTURE Andy Thomson is VP of operations at EchoStar. Self-worth Self-worth for your employees is easy, and a natural result, if you follow the above guide- lines. Once employees feel like they're part of something, they begin to care. They have pride in their work. They know who they are and they boast about whom they work for because they feel a part of something that is good. Put the four cornerstones in place and you have a factory that is unstoppable; you have a team that is unbeatable. PCB in the television drama "mission impossible," instructions for the mission were delivered on an audio tape that destroyed itself immediately after being played. Should that series ever be revived, its producers might want to talk with georgia in- stitute of Technology professor andrei Fedorov about using his "disappearing circuits" to deliver the instructions. using carbon atoms deposited on graphene with a focused electron beam process, Fedorov and collaborators have dem- onstrated a technique for creating dynamic patterns on graphene surfaces. The patterns could be used to make reconfigurable elec- tronic circuits, which evolve over a period of hours before ultimately disappearing into a new electronic state of the graphene. graphene is also made up of carbon atoms, but in a highly-or- dered form. Beyond allowing fabrication of disappearing circuits, the technology could be used as a form of timed release in which the dissipation of the carbon patterns could control other processes, such as the release of biomolecules. "We will now be able to draw electronic cir- cuits that evolve over time," said andrei Fedorov, a professor in the george W. Woodruff School of mechanical Engineering at georgia Tech. "You could design a circuit that operates one way now, but after waiting a day for the carbon to diffuse over the graphene surface, you would no longer have an electronic device. Today the de- vice would do one thing; tomorrow it would do something entirely different." reported in the journal nanoscale, the research was primarily supported by the u.S. Department of Energy office of Science, and in- volved collaboration with re- searchers from the air Force research laboratory (aFrl), supported by the air Force office of Scientific research. Disappearing Carbon Circuits on Graphene Could Have Security, Biomedical Uses ArTiCle