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72 SMT Magazine • November 2015 by robert voigt DDM NoVASTAr SmT QUICK TIPS Selecting a Through-Hole Soldering System, Part 1 coLuMN While through-hole assembly is much less commonly done than it was in the early days, and far less common than SMT assembly, it is still a viable and important technique that re- quires an understanding of the various solder- ing systems available. This column will outline the available methods and provide a brief over- view of their strengths and weaknesses. methods of Through-hole Soldering With the exception of selective soldering, the type of soldering technique you select will be largely dependent on anticipated board throughput. The simpler, less expensive tech- niques will only work for the lowest volume. The five methods are: 1. Manual 2. Dip 3. Drag 4. Wave 5. Selective manual Manual soldering is done simply by hold- ing a soldering iron in one hand and manu- ally feeding solder from the other hand to the through-hole component. Solder usually in- figure 1: Typical hand soldering iron in action.