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December 2015 • SMT Magazine 43 FeATure inTerview Toscano: Yes, we have a number of personnel who work on the IPC committees and subcom- mittees. Since SMTA and IPC have come togeth- er, it's been great; we can do everything under one roof now. There can be challenges when you have to be in two places at once, but with enough staff at the conference we manage to attend all meetings and sessions. Goldman: i agree, that's very true. Toscano: Committee standards are something that MacDermid has always been an integral part of. It's very important that we understand what's going on with them, for ourselves and for our customers, so we continue to play a role there. I am part of the 311G committee as well as the 414. So I look forward to seeing some updates with those groups this week. Goldman: Will you get a chance to go to the com- mittee or subcommittee meetings? Toscano: I will. Goldman: on a more personal note, did you start out in the lab at macdermid? Toscano: Yes, I started as a bench top chemist. I slowly worked my way up to project leader for our final finish team. Ultimately, I became the director of Final Finish. Because of that position I had a lot of interaction with OEMs, which led to becoming the director of OEM applications. Goldman: how long have you been in this posi- tion? Toscano: I've been in this role for three years. Goldman: Was it a new position, where macder- mid said, "oK, we need to pay more attention to these people," or was it an existing position? Toscano: We previously had the position for a very long time. We understand the value of it. But sometimes you slip away from things to focus on different areas, especially in research and development, so there was a period of time where it probably wasn't getting enough focus. Goldman: so the position kind of languished and then... Toscano: And then came back to life. It became a more strategic focus for our division. Goldman: Yes, and you brought it back to life, which is excellent. lenora, it's been really nice talk- ing with you. Toscano: Thank you, Patty. SmT oem APPLIcATIonS: mAcDermID'S oem DIrecTor embrAceS reneWeD FocUS Scientists from nanyang Technological uni- versity (nTu Singapore) have developed a smart chip which can tell you how healthy is your bat- tery and if it is safe for use. Developed by profes- sor Rachid Yazami of the Energy Research institute @ nTu (Eri@n), this smart chip is small enough to be embedded in almost all batter- ies, from the small batteries in mobile devices to the huge power packs found in electric vehicles and advanced aero- planes. Embedded in the smart chip is a proprietary algorithm developed by Prof. Yazami that is based on electrochemical thermodynamics measurements (ETM technology). in addition to knowing the degradation of bat- teries, the technology can also tell the exact state of charge of the battery, and thus optimize the charging so the battery can be maintained in its best condition while being charged faster. The smart chip is now marketed by Prof. Yaza- mi's start-up, KVi Pte ltd. working with him at ERiAn is research scientist Sohaib El outmani. it is expected that the tech- nology will be made available for licens- ing by chipmakers and battery manu- facturers before the end of 2016. NTU Smart Chip Tells the Health of a Battery