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92 SMT Magazine • December 2015 There is the Dodd-Frank Consumer Protec- tion Act that addresses the trade and use of con- flict minerals—raw materials used in electronics production (gold, tungsten, tin, and tantalum) that come from Congo, where conflict is occur- ring. Since 1996, more than 5,000,000 people have died as a result of warfare and struggles for that country's wealth of resources. The act requires public declarations, prompt- ing EMS providers to change or reconsider their sourcing policies and supply chains. There is more than just green manufactur- ing initiatives that EMS providers do as they try to embed sustainability in their strategy and operations. This is not widespread yet in the in- dustry but with the identification by the Unit- ed Nations of its 17 sustainable development goals, the sustainability initiatives of EMS pro- viders take on depth and increased significance. Beyond philanthropy and corporate social responsibility, EMS providers have begun to tread the path to shared value creation for their stakeholders. With the 3Ps of profit, people, and planet in mind, EMS providers try to meld profit and purpose. They start consciously add- ing to their portfolio programs or businesses that are innovative and profitable that address social or environmental issues. The business of Flextronics already includes products related to renewable energy (assembly of solar modules and solar power inverters), en- ergy efficiency (smart meters and LED lighting solutions) and efficient power conversion and storage (high density batteries and power sup- plies and wireless charging). Its agreement with NEXTracker, a leader in smart solar tracking so- lutions, will expand Flextronics' solar capabili- ties in commercializing smart and connected energy technologies. Further, Flextronics, through the Flex In- novation Labs (in Silicon Valley) nurture inno- vative companies and smart technologies in a state-of-the-art technology development envi- ronment. Leveraging Flextronics' advanced de- sign and manufacturing expertise, technology startups gain access to one of the world's largest hardware ecosystems. IMI has embarked on the development and manufacture of automotive cameras and other car safety products to help in the prevention of road accidents or lessen the impact of accidents if they occur. It also assembles security and ac- cess control devices for human and property protection from theft and other crimes, dosim- eters that measure exposure to ionizing radia- tion for human radiation protection, and medi- cal diagnostic devices for detecting illnesses. There's more that EMS providers can do. Medtronic, which is not an EMS provider, can inspire EMS companies on what else they can do. It was recently recognized as one of the world's leading companies for sustainability with its ranking on the Dow Jones Sustainabili- ty North America Index for the eighth consecu- tive year. Medtronic's commitment to sustainability centers on creating value through the provi- sion of a global access to healthcare. "We are proud of our efforts to address chronic disease, to follow environmentally sound business prac- tices, and to bring sustainable value to all of our stakeholders," said Gary Ellis, Medtronic's chief financial officer. For example, Medtronic partnered with Apollo Hospitals in India to address end-stage renal disease for patients who need renal re- placement therapy. It aims to bring an afford- able and portable hemodialysis system to mar- ket in the region, where about 10 percent of adults are affected by chronic kidney disease. As we in the EMS industry seek significance and responsibility, I wish that we ask ourselves: What is it that we've done to make this world a better place. I wish we would be guided by the golden rule: Good begets good. It is a virtu- ous cycle after all. Our businesses or initiatives that address the societal issues could result in improvements in people's lives as well as the protection of the environment. These affect our businesses positively, creating profits that we can use to sustain our activities and do more good. SmT emS ProVIDerS: mAInTAInInG comPeTITIVeneSS AnD SeeKInG SIGnIFIcAnce ArTiCle Frederick blancas is a senior division manager at integrated Micro-Electronics inc. (iMi).