32 The PCB Magazine • December 2015
Multek CTO Excited About the Challenges
of the Fast-Moving Wearables Market
Multek ctO dr. Joan Vrtis sat
down at Ipc apeX eXpO to discuss
the rapidly evolving wearables
market, especially for medical, and
the myriad questions that must be
addressed. Other topics include
Multek's contribution to the wearables industry
and what it sees as the main challenges to putting
their circuits into various applications.
Zentech's John Vaughan on the
Mil/Aero Sector: "It's Headed Up"
I-connect007 publisher Barry
Matties and Zentech's John
Vaughan had a chance to discuss
industry concerns within the
mil/aero segment at Ipc apeX
eXpO 2015. the two also shared
thoughts on the space industry.
Reliability and Harmonization of Global
Standards at Forefront of EIPC Efforts
at Ipc apeX eXpO 2015, I-
connect007 technical edi-
tor pete Starkey caught up
with eIpc's Michael Wein-
hold and alun Morgan,
who were happy to discuss
both recent and ongoing
focuses for eIpc, namely,
reliability. also touched on
was the importance of the alignment of global
standardization processes, especially for asia.
A Conversation (and Day) with Joe Fjelstad
I-connect007 publisher
Barry Matties and industry
veteran Joe Fjelstad, ceO
and founder of Verdant
electronics, met recently to
spend a day together enjoy-
ing their conversation that
ebbed and flowed between
a wide variety of topics in-
cluding the "war against failure."
An Optical Update with TTM
this interview with Marika Im-
monen, manager of r&d optical
interconnects at ttM technolo-
gies, revolves around the optical
project that she's been leading,
as well as the future of optical
technology in the pcB industry.
Bernie Kessler: Pioneering Spirit
Then and Now
I-connect007's patty Goldman
sat down with longtime friend
and Ipc hall of Famer Bernie
Kessler at Ipc apeX eXpO 2015
in San diego. among other
things, the two discussed the
early days of Ipc, and the be-
ginnings of apeX eXpO.
DSG Invests in the Future
Mauro dallora, cOO of dong-
guan Somacis Graphic pcB co.
ltd (dSG), shares how they
have increased revenue and
share their plans to double it.
A Conversation with Andy Michniewicz
Gul technologies (Gultech) is
not your traditional offshore
supplier. It is a true industry
leader when it comes to tech-
nology. his company represents
Gultech here in north america
and they were just starting a project to expand
Gultech's market reach on this side of the globe.
Interim CEO Jeff McCreary Discusses
Recent Changes at Isola
Isola's Interim president and
ceO Jeff Mccreary explains
the impetus for the person-
nel reduction taking place
at Isola, the closing of their
northern california facility,
and why there's no need to
32 The PCB Magazine • December 2015