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52 SMT Magazine • January 2016 • Past experiences/industry-wide experiences • Complexity of the component Critical components such as optoelectron- ics, low-volume or custom parts, memory devic- es, parts with mechanical movements (switch- es, relays, potentiostats, fans), surface-mount ceramic capacitors, electronic modules, power components, fuses, and electrolytic capacitors are considered high risk and involve increased scrutiny and audits to ensure supplier quality, reliability and performance. All component selections and approvals are managed centrally through our product life cycle management (PLM) system to ensure only approved manufacturer lists (AML) can be procured and is fully integrated into MRP and traceable back to the originating PO. Procure- ment requirements include lot code issuances at the component level. To support material traceability, we utilize lot control on all incoming parts and associate manufacturer lot codes to the lot control ID. As material progresses through production, ID are scanned at point of use and associated to prod- uct consumption points to complete the prod- uct hierarchy. Complete product level traceabil- ity is maintained for a minimum of seven years from the date of product manufacture. Las Marias: Where do you see the medical elec- tronics market headed in the next five years? Morrison: We believe the development of smart- er wearable and portable medical devices will significantly increase over the next five years. Due to the advancement of smaller, faster and more intelligent microprocessors these devices are more portable, compact, lighter in weight and have reduced power consumption. Also the mobilization of medical devices will be a major driving factor for the healthcare industry as the use of medical devices has and will continue to boost the growth of this market and expand be- yond hospitals to homecare environments. Las Marias: thank you, Brian. Morrison: Thank you. SMT FEATurE inTErViEw MEDICaL ELECTrOnICS: rISkS anD OPPOrTunITIES FOr ELECTrOnICS ManuFaCTurErS