January 2016 • The PCB Design Magazine 71
president and Ceo of eMA Design Automation.
He discusses eMA's approach to managing a vari-
ety of types of complex data, the need for seam-
less data processes, and the future of compliance-
aware design.
Rogers Scales up Production
and Integrates Arlon Range
editor Pete Starkey inter-
views rogers european
Sales Manager John Hen-
dricks at productronica
2015. Hendricks updates
us on rogers' acquisition of Arlon, and explains
how the Arlon products are complementary to
rogers' existing materials.
Beyond Design:
Plane Crazy, Part 1
A high-speed digital power dis-
tribution network (PDn) must
provide a low inductance, low
impedance path between all ICs
on the PCB that need to com-
municate. In order to reduce the
inductance, we must also mini-
mize the loop area enclosed by
the current flow. obviously, the most practical way
to achieve this is to use power and ground planes
in a multilayer stackup. In this two-part column, I
will look at the alternatives to planes, why planes
are used for high-speed design, and the best com-
bination for your application.
Mentor Webinar:
Maximizing the Accuracy
of FloTHERM Models
This January 20 webinar will
introduce the new capability
in FloTHerM v11.1 to auto-
matically calibrate FloTHerM
models to match T3Ster
measurements. T3Ster mea-
surements capture the full transient thermal charac-
teristics of a device, and converts this into industry
standard Structure Function curves.
zuken uSA Expands
operations with CAETEk
zuken uSA Inc., a
leader in electrical
and electronic de-
sign software, has ac-
quired CAeTeK Inc.
CAeTeK is a software
developer and sales
partner for electrical design and manufacturing
solutions. The addition of CAeTeK will strengthen
zuken uSA's product portfolio and coverage in the
electrical design space. CAeTeK employees and in-
tellectual property will transition to zuken uSA as
part of the acquisition.
Pulsonix Poised to Take
More EDA Market Share
Publisher Barry Matties
met with Bob Williams,
managing director and
co-owner of Pulsonix,
and Sales and Market-
ing Manager Tyrone
Stephens to discuss
the challenges facing
the eDA tool market, and how they're establishing
this uK-based company in the global design tool
Mentor White Paper:
optimum Design Associates
on Implementing Lean NPI
Pleasanton, California-
based optimum De-
sign Associates has
implemented lean nPI
into its PCB design and
layout processes, and
seen exceptional re-
sults. In this series of
white papers, oDA ex-
plains how Valor nPI and oDB++ were instrumen-
tal in helping this company achieve best practice
lean nPI, and how lean nPI can help your com-
pany too.
January 2016 • The PCB Design Magazine 71