February 2016 • The PCB Magazine 91
In this article, industry vet-
eran Gene Weiner looks
back at some of the indus-
try highlights in 2015, and
ponders on the challenges
and opportunities to ex-
pect this year. He also highlights recent industry
events, including the 2015 International Printed
Circuit & APEX South China Fair and SEMICon
Day One
CES Unveiled is the
official media event
for CES. It is the first
official happening of
what promises to be
a very busy and fascinating week. At this event,
members of the press get to preview a number of
innovative startups as well as some new products
from a few established global brands.
WKK's Hamed El-Abd on the
Current State of China
In the world of real estate, the
key term might be "location,"
but in manufacturing today, it's
automation, automation, auto-
mation. I had the opportunity
to interview WKK's Hamed El-
Abd at the recent HKPCA show,
who discussed the company's
entry into the direct imaging
market and how certain areas of the Chinese mar-
ket are being flooded by a staggering amount of
Chinese equipment manufacturers.
AT&S Offers Expanded PCB
Sales Support in the U.S.
AT&S, one of the
global leading manu-
facturers of high-end
PCBs, with headquar-
ters in leoben, Aus-
tria, is committed to
absolute customer orientation supporting its vi-
sion: "First choice for advanced applications."
Digital Imaging
The advantages of
digital circuitization
techniques have been
described in detail by
suppliers of equip-
ment and photore-
sist. Since phototool
generation and con-
ditioning are omitted, there is the advantage of
shorter lead time.
Catching Up with HSIO's
James Rathburn
I have interviewed
James Rathburn a
number of times in
the past few years and
he always has some-
thing new to say. one
of the industry's lead-
ing technology inven-
tors, Jim is always finding himself on the cutting
edge of our technology. The recent acquisition of
the former HEI operation in Tempe, Arizona exem-
plifies the path his company is taking towards a
goal of being the industry's true technology leader.
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