72 The PCB Magazine • March 2016
IoT Chip Market Worth $10.78B by 2022
The IoT chip market is expected to grow from usD
4.58 billion in 2015 to usD 10.78 billion by 2022,
at a CAGR of 11.5% between 2016 and 2022.
Quantum Dot Solids: This Generation's
Silicon Wafer?
Just as the single-crystal silicon wafer forever
changed the nature of electronics 60 years ago,
a group of Cornell researchers is hoping its work
with quantum dot solids—crystals made out of
crystals—can help usher in a new era in electronics.
Researchers Engineer an Electronics First,
Opening Door to Flexible Electronics
An engineering research team at the university of
Alberta has invented a new transistor that could
revolutionize thin-film electronic devices. The
team was exploring new uses for thin film tran-
sistors (TFT), which are most commonly found in
low-power, low-frequency devices like the display
screen you're reading from now.
Nanosheet Growth Technique Could
Revolutionize Nanomaterial Production
After six years of painstaking effort, a group of uni-
versity of Wisconsin, Madison materials scientists
believe the tiny sheets of the semiconductor zinc
oxide they're growing could have huge implica-
tions for the future of a host of electronic and bio-
medical devices.
Total Capital Expenditure of Top Three
Semiconductor Manufacturers to Rise
5.4% YoY for 2016
The revenue of the global semiconductor foundry
industry is projected to grow by just 2.1% year-
on-year for 2016 on account of slowing end mar-
ket demand and expanding supply, according to
the global market research firm TrendForce.
What New Wearable Sensors can
Reveal from Perspiration
When university of California, Berkeley engineers
say they are going to make you sweat, it is all in
the name of science. specifically, it is for a flex-
ible sensor system that can measure metabolites
and electrolytes in sweat, calibrate the data based
upon skin temperature and sync the results in real
time to a smartphone.
India's Market Dynamics are Impacting
Digital Business Implementation
Widespread failures in realizing return on invest-
ment (RoI) in digital technologies for customer
experience could create a sense of distrust among
buyers and decision makers in India about the po-
tential for digital business, according to Gartner Inc.
New Bimetallic Alloy Nanoparticles
for Printed Electronic Circuits
Printed electronics has the potential to enable low-
cost fabrication of electronics on flexible or curved
surfaces, which will lead to the use of electronics in
more varied applications. We will be able to fabri-
cate homemade mobile phones or smart watches
using a printer in the future.
Outlook of Small Business Owners
by Sector 2016
Most retailers are likely to say growth is the top
priority for their business (86%). however, they
are least likely to plan to make capital investments
(67%) or hire staff (58%) over the next six months,
even though they are most confident they would
be able to access the funding needed for growth
Organic Crystals Allow Creating
Flexible Electronic Devices
A team of researchers from Moscow state univer-
sity, in cooperation with Russian and foreign col-
leagues, learnt to grow organic semiconductor
crystals with extremely high light-emitting effi-
ciency that promise a bright future for wet-pro-
cessed organic optoelectronics.
Electronics Industry News
market highlights