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92 SMT Magazine • April 2016 consisTEnT conTrol ovEr ThE sElEcTivE soldErinG ProducTion ProcEss references 1. IRJET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, Statistical Process Control, Ved Parkash, Deepak Kumar, Rakesh Rajoria, eISSN:2319-1163. 2. "Are selective soldering fluxes reliable?" Gerjan Diepstraten, Cobar Europe BV, SMTAI Chicago 2011. 3. "Reliable soldering for high and mixed volume selective soldering processes," Gerjan Diepstraten, Vitronics Soltec BV, SMTAI Rose- mount 2014. 4. "How to manage wave solder alloy con- taminations," Gerjan Diepstraten, Cobar Eu- rope BV., IPC Midwest Conference, 2011. Gerjan Diepstraten, CIT, is advanced technology manager at Vitronics Soltec. Table 5: Recommended controls for the soldering area of a multi wave dip process. Table 6: Recommended controls for the solder- ing area of a select wave point-to-point soldering process. Current terahertz sources are large, multi-component systems that sometimes require complex vacuum sys- tems, external pump lasers, and even cryogenic cooling. The unwieldy devices are heavy, expensive, and hard to transport, operate, and maintain. now, Manijeh Razeghi, Walter P. Murphy Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in North- western's McCormick School of Engineering, and also director of the Center for Quantum Devices, has devel- oped a new type of security detection device that by- passes these issues. With the ability to detect explosives, chemical agents, and dangerous biological substances from safe distances, the device could make public spaces more secure than ever. Razeghi and her team have demonstrated a room temperature continuous wave, highly tunable, high- power terahertz source. Based on nonlinear mixing in quantum cascade lasers, the source can emit up to multi- milliwatts of power and has a wide frequency coverage of one-to-five terahertz in pulsed mode operation. New Terahertz Source Could Strengthen Sensing Applications