April 2016 • The PCB Magazine 85
Manufacturing Institutes
can Boost the Nation
In his most recent State of
the Union address, Presi-
dent obama highlighted a
remarkable trend of recent
years: the turnaround in
many corners of America's
manufacturing sector. near-
ly 900,000 new jobs have
been created by U.S. manu-
facturers in the last six years.
Copper Via-Fill Technology
in Development
The use of via-in-pad
technology is increasing
rapidly in today's PCB de-
signs. The need for minia-
turization, combined with
the rapidly decreasing
pitch of component foot-
prints, drives printed cir-
cuit board designers here.
Via-in-pad requires the vias to be filled, planarized
and then over-plated with copper.
The Quiet Mainstreaming
of HDI Manufacturing
Advances in technology
continue to push the enve-
lope of what's possible. And
nowhere has the impact of
those advances been felt
more profoundly than in
the evolution of the current
class of mobile devices. Although design engineers
have driven this evolution, the push to meet the
associated manufacturing challenges has been re-
sponsible for a revolution in PCB manufacturing.
Weiner's World
Gene Weiner discusses PhiChem's
upcoming open house event at
its global HQ and R&D center in
Shanghai during SEmICon Chi-
na 2016, CPCA 2016 and pro-
ductronica China 2016. He also
focuses on the IPC Ambassador
Council's plans to produce an executive forum in
conjunction with IPC APEX EXPo 2017, IPC's as-
sociation with nextFlex, and much more.
The Sum of All Parts:
The Cost of Quality
Throughout the decades,
irrespective of industry or
sector, markets have thrived
on competition. They have,
however, also relied upon
some semblance of unity
within their respective competitors. Industries rely
upon their individual member companies' ability
to work together for the greater good.
Rex Rozario, Part 4:
A 10,000-ft. view of his
Business Ventures, the
Industry, and Life
In our final installment,
Rex describes the common
thread woven through all
of his successful business
ventures and varied inter-
ests: confidence and the
fortitude to follow his dreams until they are real-
ized. Rex also takes a look back at the evolution of
the global PCB industry, and explains his approach
to profitability, which includes building (and re-
warding) a successful team.
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