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22 The PCB Magazine • May 2016 better in a neat and clean environment. Figure 3 illustrates how one advanced printed circuit board manufacturer, TTM Technologies, whose majority of processes are chemical-related, has successfully applied this concept. Questions to ask: ü Do we have a schedule for cleaning, sweep- ing, and wiping off for each department? ü Do we have cleaning inspection checklists? ü Are we seeing the workspace through our customers' eyes? Standardize (Seiketsu): Formalize procedures and practices to create consistency and ensure that all steps are performed correctly. Questions to ask: ü Does everyone know what they are responsible for doing? ü Is there a documented process that describes when and how to do it? Sustain (Shitsuke): Perhaps the most critical of the 6Ss is keeping the prior four processes going through training, communication, and organizational structure. Questions to ask: ü Does our senior management support this initiative by allocating the appropriate time and resources? ü Do we create awareness by publicizing and rewarding successes? Safety is the foundation for the prior five Ss and underscores the importance of keeping the workplace environment safe for employees and product. Questions to ask: ü Is there a safety impact of every single 6S activity we are proposing? ü Is there an opportunity to remove safety risk by implementing 6S? 6S and Handling The three keys to reducing handling issues are fundamentally simple: 1. Minimize product touch time 2. Reduce product transit time/distance 3. Maintain a clean and uncluttered work environment A sloppy workspace is ripe for opportuni- ties to inadvertently scratch, dent or otherwise damage the product. I have witnessed count- less examples of certified cleanroom environ- ments that are so cluttered that artwork, resist QuiCk & easy 6s to reduCe HandlinG issues Figure 2: Examples of shadow boards.