PCB007 Magazine


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24 The PCB Magazine • July 2016 New Management and Strategies at eSurface At the recent Geek-A-Palooza, I spoke with Alex Richardson and Rick McCann of eSurface Tech- nologies, to learn about the condition of the com- pany, their new semi-additive approach, and a couple of big announcements. Rogers' John Coonrod on Insertion Loss John Coonrod of Rogers Corporation gave a key- note presentation at the recent Geek-A-Palooza trade show, concentrating on printed circuit board fabrication's influences on insertion loss. I sat down with John to learn more about his pre- sentation and what OEMs and designers need to be aware of to avoid insertion loss. Orbotech Launches Nuvogo Fine at JPCA 2016 The Nuvogo Fine is specifically designed for new production methods and technologies, in particu - lar for advanced high density interconnect (HDI), including modified semi-additive process (mSAP) and flexible printed circuits (FPC) at exceptionally high throughput on all types of resists. Taiyo Announces Director & COO Appointed to Position of President and Director of Taiyo America Inc. Taiyo America Inc.'s Director & COO Tadahiko Hanada has been promoted to the position of President and Director, effective June 6, 2016. Ventec International Group Earns ISO 9001:2015 Certification for Its German Facility Ventec International Group, a world leader in the production of polyimide & high reliability epoxy laminates and prepregs, is proud to announce that its Central European facility located in Kirch- heimbolanden, Germany, has received certifica- tion under the ISO 9001:2015 quality manage- ment standard. Laser Pointers: Automate to Innovate in Flex Processing The growing market demand for mobile devices, wearables and Internet of Things (IoT) devices continues to create new challenges for suppliers and manufacturers in the electronics value chain. Along with this market demand comes a challeng- ing set of market requirements for the underlying circuits and components that drive such devices. Gold Plating Services Installs Technic ENEPIG Process Technic is pleased to announce the installation of the TechniPad Electroless Palladium process AT7015 at Gold Plating Services (GPS) in Santa Clara, California. GPS is a contract plating service specializing in precious metal plating for the print - ed circuit board industry. Gardien Group Named Worldwide Distributor for Kaima and Image Products The Gardien Group recently announced that it has become a worldwide distributor of Kaima and Im- age products and services. Gardien will be the ex- clusive distributor for Europe, the Americas, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia, and a non-exclusive distributor for China and Taiwan. Ucamco Updates Gerber Nested Step & Repeat Proposal Ucamco is extending the Gerber format to make it more efficient in handling fabrication and assem - bly panels. To allow the Gerber user community to review and comment on the new feature before it is cast in concrete, a draft specification is made available for download from the Ucamco website. Zuken Introduces Perfect Springback Routing in CADSTAR 17 Zuken has rolled out routing enhancements in the latest version of its CADSTAR desktop PCB de - sign software. Other productivity enhancements include improved routing patterns for differential pairs, and etch factor support. Supply Lines Highlights

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