94 The PCB Magazine • July 2016
Institute of Circuit Technology
Annual Symposium
On June 1, Technical Director
Bill Wilkie introduced the 42nd
Annual Symposium of the In-
stitute of Circuit Technology,
at the Motorcycle Museum in
Birmingham, UK, comment-
ing upon the success of the
recent Foundation Course and
acknowledging the sterling efforts of his course
tutors, although recognising that some of his lon-
gest-standing experts were now retiring.
Weiner's World
Gen Consulting Company
(GCC) has issued the Radi-
ant Insights report "Global
HDI Printed Circuit Board
Market Forecast and Analy-
sis 2016–2021." The report
provides a detailed analysis
of worldwide markets for
HDI printed circuit boards
from 2011–2016, and pro-
vides market forecasts for 2016–2021 by region/
country and subsectors.
EIPC Summer Conference 2016,
Day 2: Strategies to Maintain
Profitability in the European
PCB Industry
Delegates awoke to a gloomy
Scottish morning on the second
day of the EIPC Summer Con-
ference 2016. One or two who
maybe overindulged in the whis-
ky on the previous evening had
some difficulty in finding time for
breakfast before the conference proceedings, but
the atmosphere in the meeting room was bright-
er than the weather outside, as Professor Martin
Goosey introduced the day's programme.
Happy's Essential Skills:
Learning Theory/Learning Curves
Learning is not instantaneous.
Nor is progress made in a
steady manner, but at a rate
that is typified by one of two
basic patterns. In some cases,
plateaus will be seen in learn-
ing curves. These are caused
by factors such as fatigue, poor
motivation, loss of interest, or needing time to ab-
sorb all the material before progressing to new.
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