84 The PCB Design Magazine • August 2016
Beyond Design: Mastering
"Black Magic" with Howard
Johnson's Seminars
Barry Olney recently reviewed
Dr. Johnson's High-Speed Digital
Collection, a total of 36 hours of
viewing time. The picture that
Howard paints leaves a lasting im-
pression on how electromagnetic
fields propagate and how they induce voltages
and current (crosstalk) into nearby signals. Here is
a section-by-section discussion of the course con-
tents. You will be on the edge of your seat.
Mentor Graphics Extends the
PADS PCB Product Creation
The vast majority of to-
day's electronic products
contain analog content
which must be designed
and validated in the
context of the overall
system, making analog/
mixed signal simulation critical for product creation.
To address this need, the new PADS AMS Cloud, a
cloud-based circuit exploration/simulation environ
ment and user community, is free to all PADS users.
EMA Acquires Accelerated
Designs for its Extensive Part
Library and Expertise
EMA Design Au-
tomation has ac-
quired Accelerated
Designs, a company
known for its domi-
nance in EDA part
library content and
solutions including a
7.2-million-part database and its specialist library
tool Ultra Librarian.
Software Bytes:
Having Fun With Impedance
About a year ago, I was
assigned a new project:
become an expert in im-
pedance, more or less. I
had no idea how much
this research would bring
out the nerd in me. I'm
still not an impedance
guru, but I've learned a lot about how impedance
requirements affect PCBs. Even if you don't typi-
cally design controlled-impedance circuit boards,
you probably will eventually.
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