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48 The PCB Magazine • September 2016 ed on their performance. Incorporate "clean as you go" as a required work ethic to prevent debris from migrating into flight hardware: En- sure that all production, maintenance and test areas meet "good housekeeping" standards that enhance foreign object elimination. This includes sweeping and vacuuming production areas as well as a regular schedule for sweeping ramp areas. Ensure that the practice of Clean As You Go is practiced by all employees in all areas and functions of the company. This includes: • The practice of removing generated debris from the aircraft, component or assembly at frequent intervals as work progresses to pre- vent the accumulation of foreign objects • Clean the immediate area when work cannot continue • Clean the immediate area when work debris has the potential to migrate to an out-of-sight or inaccessible area and cause damage and/or give the appearance of poor workmanship • Employees will assure all foreign objects are removed at completion of a task, be- fore the next planned operation or inspec- tion point, and prior to work stoppage at the end of shift or delay Parts Protection and Materials Handling A well-established plan for material han- dling and parts protection can eliminate many potential FOD hazards. First, identify the specif- ics such as sensitive parts, assemblies, surfaces, areas, etc. Then, sequence events for packaging, handling, shipping and storage, and finally, evaluate cleanliness and care requirements. Control Techniques: • All employees should be trained to assure compliance with packaging, handling, shipping and storage requirements. • Materials and accessories used in the pack- aging, handling, shipping and storage which have intimate contact with the part or assembly should be clean and free of contamination. • Parts and assemblies shall be packaged in a manner that will preclude any chance of one item making contact with another during normal handling operations. • Protective and packaging materials shall be chosen based on their ability to ad- equately resist penetration by tearing, parting or piercing from forces either ex- ternal or internal during normal handling operations. • Specific instructions for packaging/un- packaging/handling shall be established • Protective devices (edge protectors, cam, plugs, covers, filters, rub strips) shall be clean and MUST BE secured to prevent accidental damage. Once installed, unau- thorized removal of protective devices is prohibited. Removal should be authorized only through assembly or maintenance planning paperwork. • Particular care must be taken with items that are subject to damage by electrostatic discharge (ESD). ESD can be considered FOD damage. The use of proper han- dling, grounding controls and devices and proper ESD protective packaging. Consideration should be given to the visibil- ity/detection of material used for protection so that the material in itself doesn't become FOD. Tool Control The primary objective of a positive tool control program is to eliminate accidents/inci- dents and loss of life or equipment due to tool FOD. There are numerous methods to facili- tate accountability of tools (screwdriver, torque wrench, rivet gun, air hammer, etc.). These in- clude but are not limited to the use of tool in- ventory lists, shadow boards, shadowboxing, bar coding, special canvas layouts with tool pockets, tool counters, chit system, tool tags, or consolidated tool kits. Unique control methods should be implemented for special tools used in checkout, test and operational environments: • Inventory all tools used in the area at the beginning/end of shift • All tools used in the area will be marked to identify source or origin • Broken tools or tools missing pieces will be reported in the FOD reporting system as Lost Tools FOD AND THE AEROSPACE INDUSTRY