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September 2016 • The PCB Magazine 49 FOD Walk or Sweep This is the monitoring portion of the pro- gram, much like QMS internal audits. It in- volves a physical inspection and cleaning of an area or work center, generally done with a FOD Checklist that is completed during the walk. Findings must be reported, and action taken to correct any FOD concerns. As with ISO, AS9100 is industry-agnostic and applies to any company building product for the aerospace industry. While some of the FOD guidance may seem specific to aircraft, the requirements apply just as much to the PCB in- dustry. Where aircraft, hangar or other aviation- specific terms are used, substitute PCBs, work centers, etc. While this list is not 100% inclu- sive, it does contain the most critical require- ments of a FOD program and should provide a blueprint for implementation of your own in- ternal program. Good luck! PCB References 1. SAE International 2. "Foreign Object Debris and Foreign Ob- ject Damage (FOD) Prevention For Aviation Maintenance & Manufacturing," Boeing. Steve Williams is the president of The Right Approach Consulting LLC. To read past columns or to contact Williams, click here. FOD AND THE AEROSPACE INDUSTRY Purdue University is leading part of an international effort to develop a system for the military that would detect doctored im- ages and video and determine specifically how they were ma- nipulated. "This team has some of the most senior and skilled people out there in the field, some of whom helped to create the area of media forensics," said Edward Delp, Purdue's Charles William Harrison Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer En - gineering. The project is funded over four years with a $4.4 million grant from DARPA. The research also involves the University of Notre Dame, New York University, University of Southern California, University of Siena in Italy, Politecnico di Milano in Italy, and University of Campinas, in Brazil. "It's a very ambitious program," said Delp, the team's principal investigator and director of Pur - due's Video and Image Processing Laboratory, or VIPER Lab. "We have plenty of work to do in four years. One of the things we are doing is bringing to bear a lot of important tools from signal and image processing, computer vi - sion and machine learning." A huge volume of images and video of potential intelligence value are uploaded daily to the Internet. However, visual media are easily manipulated using software tools that are readily available to the public. "Now there is an unfair ad - vantage to the manipulator," Delp said. "It's similar to an arms race in the sense that as better algorithms are able to detect doctored media, people are able to change how they do the ma- nipulation. Many open-source images and vid- eos are of potential use to the intelligence com- munity, but how do you know those images can be trusted?" The researchers will strive to create an "end- to-end" system capable of handling the massive volume of media uploaded regularly to the In- ternet. System Might Detect Doctored Images and Videos for the Military