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October 2016 • The PCB Magazine 63 or through affiliations with outside entities) for your idea to successfully compete and lead in the chosen segments. When determining the requirements for a specific product or system, this step articulates and documents those re- quirements (Figure 2). Step 6—Plan for Development or Purchase and Introduction of Products and Services Detailed descriptions of how each function contributes to fulfilling Step 5. The plans show milestones by date and assign responsibility. It defines both your and partner solution contri- butions and answers the question, how can we leverage our resources through partners? Rec- ommendations for affiliating with outside enti- ties to fill the capability gaps identified in Step 4 are also made here. The recommendations in- clude: • Reasoning for using outside rather than internal resources • Type of affiliation required (e.g., joint marketing agreement, joint venture, acquisition, etc.) • Parameters for assessing candidate firms for the affiliation • A list of candidate firms 10-STEP BUSINESS PLAN PROCESS Figure 2: User needs are redefined and focused on finalizing action plans to support the business in achieving competitive leadership in its targeted segments. (Source: Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey Moore)