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Streamline your production with TS16949 and AS9100 certified PCBs! Our special program for Contract Manufacturers has been designed considering the supply chain needs of on-time delivery of quality PCBs at the best prices. ALONG WITH OUR NEW CUSTOMER DISCOUNTS, WE ARE OFFERING FREE TOOLING AND 5-DAY DELIVERY AT NO EXPEDITED CHARGES 800.364.4844 Complete lab analysis Solderability, final finish thickness report and ionic contamination repor t High-end fixtureless electrical testing Cross-section analysis capabilities Only UL-approved materials are used Conventional Electroless processes Stringent TS16949 and AS9100 norms Our PCB'S help increase your product's RELIABILITY Single, double sided, multi-layers or Rigid-flex Buried, blind and micro vias Metal PCBs – up to 4 layers Material thickness from 0.005" to 0.250" Line width and space is 0.005" Carbon inks, conductive epoxies, filled holes UL approval on 6 oz. copper Our increased capabilities give you a ONE-STOP SOLUTION SEE ALL OUR PROMOTIONS Electronic Interconnect Corp. 2700 W. Touhy Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007