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R E G I S T E R T O D AY AT M E P T E C . O R G / R O A D M A P S Sponsorship Opportunities and Exhibit Spaces Available 2040 2030 MEPTEC INITIATES COLLABORATION WITH HETEROGENEOUS INTEGRATION ROADMAP MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2016 | SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA SYMPOSIUM 8:00AM - 5:00PM | EXHIBITS 9:30AM - 6:30PM | RECEPTION 5:00PM - 6:30PM 2016 SEMICONDUCTOR PACKAGING ROADMAP SYMPOSIUM 11.14.2016 I n this post ITRS era, there is great need for the industry to col- laborate in charting a direction into the future. In 2015, the SIA announced their decision to bring ITRS to a close, with the 2015 edition being the final edition. The IEEE CPMT Society took the initiative to establish a technology roadmap focused on het- erogeneous integration, to be modeled after the ITRS in purpose, structure, and governance. This initiative quickly found resonance with SEMI, and the IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS) joined the effort, resulting in the launch of the Heterogeneous Integra- tion Roadmap (HIR). MEPTEC has moved to participate in this roadmap collaboration. MORNING SESSION: Strategic Directions in Heterogeneous Integration The morning session will address the strategic directions in heterogeneous integration that address the market inflection points and technology fault lines. What will be the crucial roles for integrated phonics for data to the cloud, and for sensing? What technologies will be developed and implemented for the self driven cars be introduced into our cities and byways? How embedded sensing will enable the transition from IoT to IoE around the world. AFTERNOON SESSION: Innovations in SiP and Integration This session will address the major developments in heteroge- neous components – power devices, analog, MEMS sensors, photonics, and in SiP integration – fan out, 2.5D, embedded, and co-design technologies. How will the momentum of these technology developments move forward to address road blocks moving ahead? What research areas and ecosystem collabora- tion will be needed for continued progress? These and more questions will be addressed. AFTERNOON KEYNOTE SPEAKER William (Bill) Chen, Ph.D. ASE Fellow and Senior Technical Advisor, ASE Group Co-chair, Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap (HIR) MORNING KEYNOTE SPEAKER Wilmer R. Bottoms, Ph.D. Chairman, Third Millennium Test Solutions Co-chair, Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap (HIR) PREMIER SPONSOR GOLD SPONSOR