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November 2016 • The PCB Magazine 81 IPC CHINA to more intelligent production and reduce labor cost. Profit maximization and freeing labor forces for more creative work are driving in- dustry changes right now. In- telligent manufacturing is go- ing well in many industries, including the PCB and EMS sectors. Yu: Please tell us about IPC's specifications promo- tion and development in China. Guo: IPC specifications are evolving, with doz- ens of appropriate specifications being pub- lished each year. In technical, industrial and social development aspects, IPC is working very hard to develop new specifications, including revision updates. We have many of these speci- fications, such as the 1401 CSR (Corporate So- cial Responsibility) specification, and the 2581 series specifications (data transmission between automatic manufacturing and cooperation up- stream and downstream). In addition, we are developing a press mounting specification in accordance with automotive requirements. Yu: What's new at this year's hand-soldering com- petition? Guo: The hand-soldering competition is one of our hit programs at the show, and it enables visitors to check out the out- standing soldering craftsman- ship going on in the industry. This year, we are bringing the Hand Soldering Competition World Championship from the United States. It is the first time for this world champi- onship to be staged in China, with champi- ons from China, Germany, the United States, South Korea and Japan under one roof. We believe the three-day competition will see the highest levels of hand soldering craftsmanship anywhere. Yu: Some PCB manufacturers are starting to devel- op their own PCB design capacity, while some are expanding their capabilities to SMT. What's your opinion on this? Guo: It is normal for a company to expand or narrow their business scales as their advantages and resources change. We are happy to see that PCB makers are putting an effort into design- ing. Having the ability to design promotes a dy- namic industry. IPC has abundant technology and intelligent resources to help companies en- ter an unfamiliar field and expand quickly. Yu: Thank you for speaking with me today. Guo: Thank you. PCB