94 SMT Magazine • December 2016
New Column: Millennials in
New columnist Davina McDon-
nell will be writing on the chal-
lenges millennials face in the
workplace, and the unique dy-
namic between millennials and
the industry veterans who man-
age them.
Mayim Bialik Chosen as
Opening Keynote at
Actress and neuroscientist
Mayim Bialik has been se-
lected through a vote of
electronics industry profes-
sionals to present the open-
ing keynote at IPC APEX
EXPO on Tuesday, February
14, 2017 in San Diego.
Millennials in Manufacturing:
A Long Term Career Prospect
The next millennial in this se-
ries is Alex Johnson, an associ-
ate engineer at Saline Lectron-
ics and who has been with the
company for over two years.
Even though Alex received a lot
of negative information about
manufacturing throughout his lifetime, his work
experience in engineering has directly challenged
those preconceived notions.
Is Your Manufacturing Facility
Now the Weak Link?
If your manufacturing facility is the weakest link
in your chain, all of the hard work put in before-
hand—design, marketing, sales, purchasing—will
have been wasted. This article looks at three signs
your manufacturing facility could be dragging the
rest of your company down, and highlights how
outsourcing to an EMS provider can help.
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