PCB007 Magazine


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Contents of this Issue


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16 The PCB Magazine • December 2016 • "Industry segments" • "360-degree assessment" • "Based on needs" • "Type of products they need" • "End-market segment" • "Targeting specific organizations and applications" • "Trade shows" • "Target our competitors' customers" • "Face-to-face meetings" We're not quite sure if the question wasn't clear or if perhaps there is not much real target- ing going on. 10. What are the top three attributes of a great salesperson? Responses were a variation of some great at- tributes: • Hard working • Passionate • Trustworthy • Honest • Knowledgeable • Motivated • Relationship-oriented • Aware of the importance of closing • Personable • Strategically minded • Persevering 11. What do you think are the most effective sales strategies to use? This question had the greatest number of re- sponses, with most distilled into this list: • Demand hard work • Utilize direct sales calls • Funnel • Understand your capabilities • Mention value, not price • Offer a solution to the problem • Pay them well and receive results • Create a landmine map • Trust them • Measure and support the team to obtain goals Conclusion Although the results of this survey show that we still have a long way to go to be a sales- driven industry, it also reflects a growing inter- est in sales and marketing. We received many more serious and thoughtful answers than not and detected common themes among the vari- ous stated company philosophies, which we found interesting. Overall, results indicated a great deal more focus on knowing the product and the customers than we have found in past surveys, which means that our industry is tak- ing sales and marketing seriously—and that's a very good thing. PCB A team of University of Central Florida's sci- entists has developed a process for creating flex- ible supercapacitors that store more energy and can be recharged more than 30,000 times with- out degrading. The novel method could eventually revolutionize technology as varied as mobile phones and electric vehicles. "If they replaced bat- teries with these superca- pacitors, you could charge your mobile phone in a few seconds," said Nitin Choudhary, a postdoc- toral associate who con- ducted much of the re- search published recently in the academic journal ACS Nano. UCF Scientists Bring a Phone that Charges in Seconds Closer to Reality MUCH ADO ABOUT SALES AND MARKETING

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