December 2016 • The PCB Design Magazine 69
Milwaukee Electronics Merges
with San Diego PCB
"San Diego PCB Inc.
is a best-in-class en-
gineering PCB layout
design service. We see
it as a great fit for our
engineering-driven focus in the electronics manu-
facturing services (EMS) market and we have cho-
sen to refer to this transaction as a merger to bet-
ter reflect the collaborative environment it is creat-
ing," said P. Michael Stoehr, Milwaukee Electronics
president and CEO.
Beyond Design:
Rock Steady Design
How do we ensure that our
high-speed digital design per-
forms to expectations, is stable
given all possible diverse envi-
ronments, and is reliable over
the product's projected life
cycle? One word: Impedance!
For the perfect transfer of ener-
gy and to benefit from the highest possible band-
width, the impedance of the driver must match
the impedance of the transmission line and be
constant along its entire length.
IBR Optimizes Incoming
Customer Data Handling using
Ucamco's Integr8tor
IBR Leiterplantten has opti-
mized their data handling by
implementing Ucamco's Inte-
gr8tor. Integr8tor analyses all
incoming customer files for
obvious errors, bottlenecks
and manufacturability, com-
ing up with a complete report of all the specifi-
cations within a few minutes, without any input
from the user.
Leo Lambert Discusses
EPTAC's Evolving Mission
One of the biggest problems
a manager faces is training—
getting employees trained,
and keeping them current on
constantly changing technol-
ogies. I asked Leo Lambert, VP
and CTO of EPTAC, what his
thoughts were on the subject
of leadership, and more specifically, what strate-
gies EPTAC embraces with regard to training—
both initial and ongoing.
Altium Releases New Version of
PCB Design Software Committed
to Passionate Design
After experienc-
ing record user
growth in the
past year, Altium
has launched
the latest version of their leading PCB design soft-
ware with Altium Designer 17. This release further
embodies Altium's commitment to passionate de-
sign by significantly reducing the time spent on
non-design related tasks.
What's the Difference Between
a Manager and a True Leader?
Why would I want to work
for you? The role of the
manager is complex; it
means balancing business
needs with creative oppor-
tunity and flexibility, build-
ing trust and providing in-
spiration with a team. It is
the manager who is the immediate point of con-
tact, and the one person who holds the key to job
satisfaction. How can today's manager maintain
an effective and motivated team? for the latest circuit design news and
information—anywhere, anytime.