February 2017 • The PCB Design Magazine 65
Altium's Sales Plan:
Deal Directly with Designers
Altium has been shaking
up the EDA world for quite
some time. The Australian
company once slashed the
cost of Altium Designer by
75% to grow market share,
and who could forget their
famous (or infamous) "Bun-
ny" ad campaign? In this interview with Lawrence
Romine, Altium's global head of field marketing,
he shares his views on sales and marketing in the
EDA world, as well as Altium's philosophy on sell-
ing EDA tools.
IPC Designers Council San
Diego Chapter Meeting:
Flex Focus Fills the House
I recently attended the
January meeting of the
San Diego chapter of the
IPC Designers Council.
The meeting was hosted
by the PCB design bureau San Diego PCB, and fea-
tured guest speaker John Stine, VP of Operations
for Summit Interconnect, Anaheim.
Beyond Design:
The Maturing EDA Industry
EDA companies generally inno-
vate through acquisitions and
mergers as it is easier to buy
new technology than expend
time and resources developing
a product and risk losing mar-
ket share. However, some tend
to focus on partnering with oth-
er EDA vendors rather than acquisition. But this
leaves them vulnerable to outside influence.
Cadence Posts Strong Q4
2016 Results; Revenue at
$469 Million
Cadence Design Systems posted results for the
fourth quarter and fiscal year 2016. Cadence re-
ported fourth quarter 2016 revenue of $469 mil-
lion, compared to revenue of $441 million report-
ed for the same period in 2015. On a GAAP basis,
Cadence recognized net income of $38 million in
the fourth quarter of 2016, compared to net in-
come of $80 million for the same period in 2015.
Revenue for 2016 totaled $1.816 billion, com-
pared to revenue of $1.702 billion for 2015. Net
income for 2016 was $203 million, compared to
net income of $252 million for 2015.
EMA Releases Ultra
Librarian for OrCAD
EMA Design Automation has just released Ultra Li-
brarian for OrCAD providing symbols, footprints,
and 3D models for an expanding library of cur-
rently over 8 million parts. "Symbols, footprints,
and 3D models are the building blocks of any
electronic board design," said Manny Marcano,
president of EMA Design Automation. "We cre-
ated Ultra Librarian for OrCAD so that our custom-
ers could simply download these parts rather than
wasting time on the tedious and error prone task
of creating them."
Flex and Rigid Sales and
Marketing with Al Wasserzug
After decades in the PCB in-
dustry, Al Wasserzug of Cirexx
International has seen market-
ing and sales trends come and
go. I recently caught up with
Al and interviewed him, cover-
ing the latest sales and marketing techniques, the
value of traditional methods such as trade shows
and conferences, and the particular characteristics
of marketing flex circuits.
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