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78 The PCB Magazine • April 2017 By Steve Vetter, NAVAL SURFACE WARFARE CENTER—CRANE DIVISION; Richard Snogren, BRISTLECONE LLC; and John Timler, Ph.D., SAIC Abstract Within the Department of Defense (DoD) supply chain, trust and trusted have become widely used terms and concepts. Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System, and DoDI 5200.39, Critical Program Information Identi- fication and Protection Within Research, De- velopment, Test, and Evaluation, establish the requirements for the Program Protection Plan (PPP) to manage risks to advanced technol- ogy and mission-critical systems' functionality throughout the acquisition lifecycle [1-2] . DoDI 5200.44, Protection of Mission Critical Func- tions to Achieve Trusted Systems and Networks defines the protection of mission critical func- tions to achieve trusted systems and specifical- ly calls out printed circuit boards (PrCBs) as a component of these systems [3] . The Executive Agent for Printed Circuit Boards and Interconnect Technology (PrCB EA) has been chartered to develop a trusted network of PrCB supply chains, including design, manu - facture, and assembly, and therefore is creating the PrCB Trust Accreditation. The PrCB EA has established that in the DoD supply chain for na- tional security systems, trusted status is assigned to a supplier of PrCB related products and/or ser- vices when that supplier has consistently dem- onstrated the ability to meet specified require- ments for quality, supply chain management, chain of custody (CoC), and security. This paper describes the drivers of PrCB Trust Accreditation for the design, manufac- ture, and assembly of PrCBs and PrCB subsys- tems. The methodology used to establish the accreditation system and the status of that system are also discussed. This accreditation leverages existing process structures developed and fielded by Defense Logistics Agency (MIL- PRF-31032/55110), Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA) (Trusted Supplier Program), and the Association Connecting Electronics In- dustries (IPC) specifications and standards [4-7] . The accreditation places an emphasis on integ- rity assurance, where historic emphasis targeted quality and reliability. Executive Agent for PCB and Electronic Interconnect Technology PrCB Trust Accreditation ARTICLE