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April 2017 • The PCB Magazine 81 Printed Circuit Board (PrCB): The founda- tion for all electronic equipment which both mechanically supports and provides electrical connections between electronic components using conductive traces, usually etched from copper sheets laminated onto a non-conductive substrate. The acronym "PCB" is used inter- changeably with PrCB in industry. Trustworthiness: The inherent confidence in a particular item as it pertains to quality, re- liability, availability, integrity, and technology protection. With reliance on global sources of supply growing across the spectrum of electron- ic products, confidence in system availability and performance is becoming increasingly dif- ficult. Characteristics of trust range from anti- counterfeit on the supply-end of the lifecycle, to anti-tamper on the protection-end [10] . Within the trustworthiness definition, the context of, "trusted PrCB suppliers" are those that: 1. Deliver products and services that meet the technical performance criteria called out in the relevant procurement contract (quality) 2. Ensure that any threats related to disruption in supply are understood and managed (supply chain management) 3. Provide assured control for data, finished products and in-process material (CoC) 4. Secure their products and services from unauthorized access with a focus on preventing illicit modification, tampering, reverse engineering, exposure of functionality or evaluation of vulnerabilities (security) The PrCB Trust Accreditation requirement is based on these four elements as they apply to the design, manufacture, and assembly of PrCBs. Methodology The DAG describes the PPP as "…the Depart- ment's holistic approach for delivering trusted systems and ensures that programs adequately protect their technology, components, and in- formation" [9]. DoDI 5200.39 defines Critical Program In- formation (CPI) as "Elements or components of a research, development, and acquisition program that, if compromised, could cause significant degradation in mission effective- ness; shorten the expected combat-effec- tive life of the system; reduce technological advantage; significantly alter program direc- tion; or enable an adversary to defeat, counter, copy, or reverse engineer the technology or capability" [2] . DoDI 5200.44 states that "CPI based tech- nologies must be protected from compromise in the development environment and on field- ed systems. CPI may include classified informa- tion but it may also include Controlled Unclas- sified Information…. In some cases, (dependent on the Program Manager's determination) a commercial-off-the-shelf technology can be designated CPI if the commercial-off-the-shelf element is determined to fulfill a critical func- tion within the system and the risk of manipu- lation needs mitigation. CPI requires protection to prevent unauthorized or inadvertent disclo- sure, destruction, transfer, alteration, reverse engineering, or loss (often referred to as 'com- promise')" [3] . It should be clear that information related to PrCB design, manufacture, and assembly may become more commonly determined as CPI given the increasingly complex and highly integrated composition of electronics systems. Therefore, in order to satisfy the requirements defined in DoDI 5200.44 for the "protection of mission critical functions to achieve trusted systems and networks" as related to PrCBs, the PrCB EA has developed the PrCB Trust Accredi- tation process [3] . The accreditation is based on the successful demonstration of the four trust elements as supported by objective evidence. The accreditation will be based on submission and review of objective evidence to the accredi- tation authority and a site audit to verify sys- tems and procedures are in place and actively used. Trust Accreditation The trust accreditation approach is derived from the DMEA Trusted Foundry program [6] . This program has been active for several years EXECUTIVE AGENT FOR PCB AND ELECTRONIC INTERCONNECT TECHNOLOGY PRCB TRUST ACCREDITATION