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32 SMT Magazine • June 2017 By David Geiger, et al.* FLEX INTERNATIONAL Abstract Automated optical inspection (AOI) is ad- vantageous in that it enables defects to be de- tected early in the manufacturing process, re- ducing the cost of repair as the AOI systems identify the specific components that are failing removing the need for any additional test trou- bleshooting 1-3 . Because of this, more electronic contract manufacturing services (EMS) compa- nies are implementing AOI into their SMT lines to minimize repair costs and maintain good process and product quality, especially for new component types. This project focuses on the testing of component package 03015 which is challenging for AOI. Highly-automated and effective test meth- ods are becoming a more and more important topic in our industry today. Advances in mod- ern manufacturing technologies have been making factories smarter, safer, and also more environmentally sustainable. Finding and im- plementing smart machines which provide real AOI Capabilities Study With 03015 Components time information is critical to success. Current- ly, we have been successful in using 2D/3D AOI for production; however not for the upcoming 03015 components. Therefore, we are working with AOI vendors to ensure successful testing of this component type, with a special emphasis on optimizing algorithm threshold settings to detect defects. We have been working with five AOI ven- dors with five test vehicles (PCBAs). Each PCBA board has 246 components with three differ- ent pitch sizes (100 µm, 150 µm, 200 µm). The results of Attribute GR&R, Defect Escapes, and False Call PPM (parts per million) will be pre- sented. Based on the data which we received up to now, every set of data (five sets—still waiting for results of AOI System 3) is from the algorithms of 2D AOI, although some machines have the 3D AOI capability. These machines have shown different levels of performance. AOI System 5's results have an excellent acceptable level for At- tribute GR&R; both AOI System 5 and AOI Sys- tem 6 have only several percentage points of a Defect Escape rate. However, this study is just in FEATURE