July 2017 • The PCB Design Magazine 103
Zuken Improves Team
Communication and High-Speed
Design Support with CADSTAR 18
The latest version of
its CADSTAR desktop
PCB design software
also supports indus-
try requirements for
high-speed design, and includes across-the-board
performance enhancements and ease-of-use fea-
tures. One highlight is developments in the indus-
try-leading Activ-45 router.
PCB Design in the
Age of IoT
From the early days of printed
circuit boards, the electron-
ics industry has made huge
strides in board materials, cop-
per printing methods, min-
iaturization, rigid-flex, ELIC,
EDA, and much more. And in
2017, we are poised to shift
from evolution to revolution, driven by the idea of
the Internet of Things.
Romania's PCB Design Students
Compete at TIE 2017
The 26th Inter-
connection Tech-
niques in Elec-
tronics (TIE) show
was held recently
at the Gheorghe
Asachi Technical
University in Iasi,
Romaina. This
convention for the Romanian electronic packaging
community included a series of actions designed
to draw smart young students to the electronics
industry, which is clearly growing.
Printed Circuit Broker Elmatica
Encourage Development of
New Language
Elmatica is current-
ly taking charge in
developing a new language for PCB fabrication
data. The development of the language will be
by an independent international task group with
members from the entire supply chain. If the in-
dustry is up for the challenge, the result can be
both cost-efficient and a vital time saver in pro-
Stella Corporation Implements
Ucamco's Gerber X2 Input
and Output
Japanese PCB software
company Stella Corpo-
ration has completed its
support for Gerber X2 in
Stella Vision. The output
has been fully verified by
Ucamco, who confirm it
conforms to the current
X2 specification.
Launching a New PCB Design
Curriculum in Serbia
"You don't need to know
how to manually solder elec-
trical parts or how to design
printed circuit boards," our
professor lectured. "It is im-
portant that you understand
the formula for charge carrier
currents in a p-n junction." At
my first job, I was soon de-
signing PCBs, and no one ever asked me about
charge carriers and p-n junctions.
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information—anywhere, anytime.