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50 The PCB Design Magazine • July 2017 to do, and we can expand it too, if the business warrants it. Goldman: Well, we're looking forward to a lovely evening here, I think. How was the after- noon? The EPA was great, but how about every- thing else? Revier: The EPA was great. Then our other meet- ing was near the White House with some very strategic people that work for President Trump. It just kind of continued the excitement with people that are engaged in manufacturing and regulatory issues that affect what we're doing. It's very clear from meeting with those guys this afternoon that they're committed to listen - ing to our issues and acting on them. Goldman: We'll see how that action part works. Revier: We'll see. I think the challenge obvious- ly for President Trump; he said it was a swamp, but I think that he's finding out that it's not like running a business where you can get things done. Goldman: Exactly. I mean, you're the boss, but you're not the boss. Revier: But you got to navigate the way. Goldman: Like they said this morning, nothing really happens that fast in Washington. Revier: No, and I'm sure it's frustrating for him. Goldman: Yes, because you're right. He's used to doing things fast. Revier: At the same time, he's learning his way; the exciting part of it is he's putting to- gether the right people to get the job done. I think Mike Pence as his VP was a perfect choice, and I think they're a good pair. They work together as a great team. They seem to be very symbiotic that way. I hope that con - tinues. Goldman: Well, thanks Tony. Maybe we'll get a chance to talk again. Right now, we're going to eat our hors d'oeuvres. Revier: Absolutely. PCBDESIGN _____________________________________ Shane Whiteside Summit Interconnect During Tuesday night's dinner I also had a chance to talk with Shane Whiteside, Summit Interconnect's president and CEO. Goldman: Shane, it's good to see you. Is this your first time at IMPACT? Whiteside: This is my first IMPACT. I've missed it in previous years, but I'm very pleased to be here. Goldman: Tell me what you've learned in the past day and a half, since arriving. Whiteside: I've been impressed with how IPC has organized a very effective event, and I think that's not only my impression, but other at- tendees as well. The people that we've met to- day reflect the influence that IPC has gained in this town, from EPA administrator Scott Pruitt to one of Vice President Pence's senior advisors, Darius Meeks. It's just an incredible lineup here today and I think what was really gratifying to me is understanding how much the new ad- ministration is aligned with a promoting a very positive industrial policy. Goldman: It seems every- body is aligning with that, shall we say, and quickly. Whiteside: There is a lot of enthusiasm with re- spect to the potential re- surgence of U.S. manu- IMPACT Interviews Shane Whiteside

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