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September 2017 • The PCB Magazine 15 floor operators, maintenance personnel, sales and procurement personnel. The process engineer plays a complex, sig- nificant role in the board shop. Shops with good engineering support run a smoother op- eration and produce better quality products. Vendors appreciate the PE who takes ownership of the process, and works to resolve any issues that surface. PCB George Milad is national accounts manager for technology with Uyemura International Corporation. THE VALUE OF PROCESS ENGINEERING IN PCB MANUFACTURING seldom go as planned. Patience and persever- ance are often required when facing setbacks and challenges. Excellent documentation and communication skills are essential to keep your- self organized in what is a fast -paced environ- ment." Julie Ahlstrom, manufacturing manager at Electrotek, enumerates the qualities of the process engineer: "Patience, deductive reason- ing, both independent and team work, ability to prioritize, computer skills, writing skills and willingness to do the job alongside others." The PE's communication abilities both ver- bal and written are critical. The PE interacts with a wide range of people inside and outside the company, such as suppliers, customers, quality engineering, production managers, peers, com- pany GM or president, R&D personnel, shop Drones offer many benefits, but unfortunate- ly, they provide terrorists and criminals with new opportunities, so they need to be monitored. The Danish company Weibel Scientific A/S has now developed its first radar system for monitoring drones. The expression 'flying beneath the radar' is used idiomatically so often that you almost forget the original meaning—but not at Weibel Scientific. "A drone is capable of flying so low that it is not picked up by many traditional radar systems. At the same time, it is difficult to detect because of its small size," says Weibel CEO Peder R. Pedersen. The company, located to the north of Copen- hagen, was established on the basis of research originally carried out at DTU. In 1977, Erik Tingleff Larsen resigned from his position as an associate professor at DTU Electrical Engineering to form the company, which is now one of the world's leading suppliers of advanced radar systems. One of the first employees was Peder R. Pedersen, who did his DTU Master's project at Weibel in 1983. This led to a PhD project, followed by permanent employ- ment, and then in 2002 he was appointed CEO. When Peder Pedersen started working for Weibel, there were seven employees—now there are 100, of whom 35 are engineers. And the company needs more. "We definitely expect to take on more engineers in future. There is a growing demand for radar systems, largely for track- ing drones. We recently started to sell the first systems, but there is still a lot of R&D work to do. Drones represent a new type of threat, one which is very difficult to counter." When Drones Fly Beneath the Radar