44 The PCB Magazine • September 2017
The Internet of Things and Machines:
Linking Machines to Machines
Linking industrial machinery, robots, and systems to-
gether holds considerable potential. However, it also
requires a high level of security to avoid both break-
downs and break-ins.
Before, it was 3D Printing: Now Additive
Manufacturing is the New Black
"Additive Manufacturing is a hot topic in the manu-
facturing industry worldwide at the moment. Com-
panies are looking for ways in which they can pro-
duce products and prototypes fast and in more
cost-efficient ways," says Guido T
osello, associate
professor at DTU Mechanical Engineering, at the in-
novation conference.
3D Printing Market W
orth $23.79 Billion
by 2025
The global 3D printing (3DP) market is estimated to
reach USD 23.79
billion by 2025, according to the
new report conducted by Grand View Research Inc.
Also called additive manufacturing (AM), this tech
nology is referred to as a procedure that produces
parts through the successive addition of layers of
materials in various 2D shapes.
Fighting Dehydration with Wearables
and Big Data
Dehydration is one of the most common causes
of death among young children in the developing
world—particularly during the hot summer months.
ETH Professor Walter
Karlen and his team of re
searchers have developed an inexpensive mobile de-
vice that could be used by laypeople to more effec-
tively treat dehydration.
Heat-Conducting Plastic Could Lead
to Lighter Electronics, Cars
Advanced plastics could usher in lighter, cheaper,
more energy-efficient product components, includ-
ing those used in vehicles, LEDs and computers—if
only they were better at dissipating heat.
Global Market for Smart Manufacturing
Solutions to Top $320 Billion by 2020
4.0 is a concept that has attracted a lot of
attention in the global marketplace since its emer-
gence in 2012. Following this conceptual frame-
work, manufacturing companies in various indus-
tries have embarked on a mission to transform their
operations by deploying smart technologies.
Foxconn, Keyssa, and Samsung Introduce
Disruptive 'Connected World'
Smartphone Ecosystem
A group of leading technology companies and Keys-
sa investors announced a 'Connected World'
tive focused on extremely high-speed data transfer
between mobile devices and the increasing number
of connected devices.
Gartner Releases 'Hype Cycle for
the Digital Workplace, 2017'
Digital business execution is requiring more frequent
and complex decision making, continuous problem
solving and rapid pattern recognition, all of which re-
quire workforce digital dexterity. In most organizations,
, responsibility for helping employees develop
the desire and ability to exploit a wide range of trans-
formative technologies—highlighted in the Gartner
Inc. "Hype Cycle for Digital W
orkplace, 2017"—does
not have to rest with any group or individual.
Wearable Devices' Expansion to Industrial
Sector Thrives with Addition of
Advanced Sensors and Software
The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) and
workers' need for real-time data, monitoring and
tracking are boosting the development of wearable
technologies for the industrial sector. With the tech-
nology crossing the concept phase, stakeholders in
manufacturing, logistics and warehousing, construc-
tion, mining, oil & gas, retail and healthcare indus-
tries are eager to incorporate it into their portfolios.
China Still Leading the Global Smart Meter
Market with 68% of Tracked
A new report from Navigant Research analyzes the
state of the global utility electric smart meter mar-
ket, tracking data related to customer endpoints, me-
ter manufacturers, advanced metering infrastructure
(AMI) communications vendors, systems integrators,
and meter data management (MDM) vendors.
Electronics Industry News
Market Highlights