76 The PCB Magazine • September 2017
Temporary assignments, such as working
in logistics to observe warehouse safety or en-
listing their help to conduct third-party safety
audits for other departments, foster teamwork
across the company. Furthermore, completing
OSHA workplace health and safety training, be-
ing part of a successful ISO audit, or earning
Six Sigma certification should be worthy of any
company's employee recognition program. Rec-
ognition improves employee morale and in-
creases productivity, while also demonstrating
the company's commitment to developing and
investing in the future of its people.
Let them lead!
Not only do millennials value being men-
tored, but they also wish to share their skills
with other employees. Reverse mentoring
ables older workers to learn from millennials.
Whether it's adopting new software, training
on effective use of collaboration tools or adding
a social component to a workplace safety initia-
tive, millennials can share their knowledge to
help co-create new solutions. Invite millenni-
als to take the lead on specific corporate com-
munication initiatives involving safety in the
workplace. Put them in charge of updating safe-
ty tips on digital signage throughout your com-
pany's facility.
Finally, although this article focuses on mil-
lennials, it's important to state that intergener-
ational teams
bring out the best in all employ-
ees. They allow many views to be heard and can
generate unique approaches to workplace safety
throughout the company. Not only does it facil-
itate collaboration across generations, it's criti-
cal to defining an inclusive and dynamic high-
performance culture.
1. Millennials surpass Gen Xers as the larg-
est generation in U.S. labor force, Pew Research
2. Working with Millennials: What They
Need to Know About Safety, Construction
Equipment Guide.com.
3. To Reach Millennials, Speak Their (Large-
ly Visual) Language, SHRM.
4. The Hidden Effects of Miscommunication
on Workplace Safety, The Marlin Company.
5. Mentoring Millennials, Meister and Wil-
lyerd, Harvard Business Review.
6. Bringing Out the Best from Each Genera-
tion, Sodexo Insights.
This article is published with permission of The
Marlin Company.
Barry Lee Cohen is president
and managing director of Launch
Communications. To read past
columns or to contact Cohen,
click here.
A novel, high-frequency electronic chip po-
tentially capable of transmitting tens of gigabits
of data per sec-
ond—a rate that
is orders of mag-
nitude above
the fastest inter-
net speeds avail-
able today—has
been developed by engineers at the University of
California, Davis.
Omeed Momeni, an assistant professor of elec-
trical and computer engineering at UC Davis, and
doctoral student Hossein Jalili, designed the chip
using a phased array antenna system. Phased ar-
ray systems funnel the energy from multiple sourc-
es into a single beam that can be narrowly steered
and directed to a specific location.
High-Frequency Chip Brings Researchers Closer to
Next Generation Technology