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66 The PCB Design Magazine • October 2017 Thin, Flexible Device Could Provide Efficient Cooling for Mobile Electronics— or People Engineers and scientists from UCLA, and SRI In- ternational, a nonprofit research and development organization, have created a thin flexible device that could keep smartphones and laptop comput- ers cool and prevent overheating. New Cadence Allegro DesignTrue DFM Technology Accelerates New Product Development and Introduction Process Cadence Design Systems, Inc. announced Ca- dence Allegro DesignTrue DFM technology, the industry's first solution to perform real-time, in-de- sign DFM checks integrated with electrical, physi- cal and spacing design rule checks. DARPA Rolls out Electronics Resurgence Initiative Transformative advances in electronics will come from a combination of six new programs, a port- folio of existing ones, and the country's largest funding program for basic university research in electronics. Tracking Debris in Earth's Orbit with Centimeter Precision using Efficient Laser Technology A research team at the Fraunhofer Institute for Ap- plied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF in Jena, Germany, has now especially developed a fiber la- ser that reliably determines the position and direc- tion of the space debris' movement to mitigate associated risks. Increase in Aircraft Orders and Real-Time Data Need Drive Growth in Avionics Market With NextGen and SESAR set for completion this decade, the global commercial avionics market is undergoing a transition from a ground-based sys- tem to a satellite-based air traffic control system and is headed towards more compute-intensive, high-speed, and high-bandwidth avionics. All About Flex: Flexible Circuits and Man-Made Satellites The first satellite was launched by the USSR in 1957. The U.S. successfully launched its first satel- lite, Explorer 1, in 1958 while announcing the in- tention to "win" the race to outer space. Today satellites serve many vital purposes. Let's Talk Testing: Professor Plum in the Library with the Candlestick…Right? Who knew that a phrase from a decades-old popu- lar board game could have some relevance in to- day's ever-changing world? In the game of Clue, simply put, evidence is collected and then used to solve a mystery. In my world, testing is performed to gather data/results (evidence) and then this in- formation is used to determine the root cause of some issue that is under investigation (solving the mystery). Saab and Adani to Collaborate on Aerospace and Defense Projects in India Defense and security company Saab and Indian in- frastructure conglomerate Adani Group announced a collaboration plan within aerospace and defense in India, aligned with the Government of India's Make in India initiative. AT&S Enables "Cool" Designs for Miniaturized High-Power Applications Miniaturization and increasing power densities are major concerns for modern electronic applications. The lifetime of electronic applications can be dra- matically reduced by the increase of the working temperatures by just a few degrees. The International Paris Air Show with ASC's Anaya Vardya The International Paris Air show is the crème de la crème of the world's trade shows. This is the big one, where all the aircraft, airline and defense aero- space companies meet to introduce new products, discuss the future of aviation, and make deals. This year I decided to talk to my friend Anaya Vardya, ASC's president and CEO, about the show, why he goes, and what it's like. MilAero007 Highlights

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