October 2017 • The PCB Design Magazine 75
True Design Efficiency:
Think Before You Click
Over the years, I have
seen a lot of different
circuit board designs. In
the service bureaus, I saw
many different design
technologies, while in
companies with captive
design departments I saw
a lot of different design methodologies. Finally, as
a CAD application engineer, I saw both different
technologies and different methodologies.
SnapEDA Launches Instabuild,
a Free Computer Vision-Based
Part Builder
Using a datasheet
as the input, Insta-
Build automatical-
ly extracts symbol
pinouts, under-
stands whether a
pin is an input, output or power pin, and auto-
arranges the symbols based on SnapEDA's pub-
lished symbol standards.
Beyond Design: When Legacy
Products No Longer Perform
Faster edge rates mean re-
flections and signal qual-
ity problems. So, even when
the package hasn't changed
and the clock speed hasn't
changed, a problem may
exist for legacy designs. The
enhancements in driver edge
rates have a significant im-
pact on signal quality, timing and crosstalk. This
also has a direct impact on radiated emissions.
PCB123 Launches Access to
Millions of Cloud-Based Symbols
& Footprints
Sunstone Circuits
has launched a
new integration
that allows de-
signers to search
for digital models
directly inside the PCB123 design environment.
With the release of PCB123 Version 5.6, designers
can now search and download free, cloud-based
symbols and footprints directly during design cap-
ture and layout.
Fault-Finding: It's All About
Prevention, not Blame
There are thousands of things
that can go wrong during the
design and manufacture of a
PCB assembly. One might say
that it is an absolute miracle
when a PCB goes through all
of its phases—design, fabrica-
tion and assembly—and op-
erates successfully!
IPC's CID Programme:
Is it Worth the Effort?
IPC's Certified Interconnect
Designer (CID) curricu-
lum is the definitive training
course for PCB designers
and electronic design pro-
fessionals, but with budgets
tightening and time at a
premium, is the investment
of time, effort and finance
worth it? We spoke to three recent delegates to
find out their reasons for completing the course.
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information—anywhere, anytime.